Chapter 20

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I didn't realise I was running until the cool night air hit me. Grinder, Machete and Doc are leaning in to the back of the van. Please be alive, please be alive.

"We did the drop off but we were followed, the lucky bastards got a few shots off and hit Knuckles and Reaper" Grinder says helping Knuckles from the van. Blood is pouring from his shoulder.

Machete lifts a lifeless Reaper from the van. Please be alive. Machete runs into the club house and to a room I haven't been in before. He lays Reaper out on the table. Reaper is losing blood fast from his thigh. Doc begins working on him, pulling a long piece of elastic from his bag and tying it around his thigh above the wound. I can't hear anything and all I can see is Reapers face. He's so pale, his eyes are closed all I want is for him to wake up so I can hear his sexy voice call me baby girl. I feel my legs weaken, my knees about to give out, I feel my body going down when two arms catch me

"He's going to be ok Kiddo, he's a fighter" Machete says lifting me up and sitting me in a chair. He pushes the chair next to Reaper and I cup his cheek in my hand.

"I can stem the bleeding and stitch the wound, but he's lost too much blood. We need to get him to my clinic so I can give him a transfusion." Doc says

"Ok, Grinder bring the truck around" Machete says before picking Reaper up. I stand up and follow them to the truck. I open the passenger door and begin to climb in

"No Rosie, Jerry is still out there it's not safe, stay here" Machete says from the back seat, Reaper lying across him.

"If you don't take me with you I will kill every single one of your men during my escape" I growl getting into the truck. Doc gets into the driver seat and speeds off down the road.

We pull up at a clinic and head for the door. Machete lays Reaper down on a gurney and Doc hooks Reaper up to an IV, attaching a bag of blood.

"He's by no means out of the woods, he lost a lot of blood, but I will monitor him overnight and he should make it" Doc says taking my right hand in his. Grinder walks into the room with Knuckles, Shotgun and Alicia. Doc begins to work on Knuckles shoulder and Alicia runs over to me and hugs me

"Our men will be ok" Alicia says stroking my arm.

"Don't cry Roro, he'll be ok" I'm crying? Fuck me I've turned into a girl and it's Reapers fault, remind me when he wakes up to punch him. Alicia leaves me to go and sit with Knuckles. I climb onto the bed next to Reaper, on his right side, avoiding the gunshot wound. I slip under his arm and rest my head on his chest. I only sound I hear is his heartbeat, knowing it's still beating is the only thing keeping me going. I drift off to sleep listening to the heart beat of the only man I've ever loved.


I woke up and instantly the pain hit me. My left leg was screaming at me, but I felt weight on my right side. I opened my eyes and looked down, Rosie was asleep curled up to my side, her head on my chest. I lifted my hand and stroked her hair. I looked around the room, where the fuck are we?

"Reaper, you're awake" Doc says walking over to me and checking my vitals.

"You got shot in the leg, but it nicked the artery, you nearly bled out." He says pointing to the bandage on my thigh. Machete walks over to me

"Welcome back enjoy your 24 hour nap lazy ass?" He says laughing

"Wait I've been out for a day?" I ask confused

"Yep, and Kiddo here hasn't left your side, I tried to make her stay at the clubhouse for her safety, but we all know how that went. I couldn't even get her to leave you to come and eat" he says pointing to Rosie

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