Chapter 2

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It's Saturday night and the club is packed. The name Titanium is very fitting as the walls are black, so is the floor but both are covered in lines of shiny silver colored metal, the bars are also polished silver metal, which is a bitch to clean. The red and green lights and lasers bounce off the metal all over the room sending color bouncing through the room. On the left side there is a long bar stretching the length of the club, in the middle is an oval dance floor with the DJ booth sitting above it at the top, with black leather booths lining the right side. I'm still wearing my leather pants and fuck me boots but I've swapped my shirt for a tank with Titanium written on it in silver cursive which I've cut a deep V into to show off my cleavage , my long black hair is tied in pigtails, which I've curled at the ends and I've got fresh eyeliner and lipstick on. A guy just asked me for a round for him and his friends, so I place the drinks on the bar and then rest my boobs on the bar, twirling a pigtail in my fingers I give him his total. He hands me $100 bill and tells me to keep the change. Works every time people, works every fucking time. I tuck my change into my bra before I carry on serving suddenly a little drunk bitch runs up to the bar and grabs my wrist

"Bitch you've been hitting on my man" she screams over the music before beginning to hit out at me. Oh bring it bitch. I climb up onto the bar and grab her by the hair

"I sell drinks not pussy, get the fuck off my bar bitch" I scream as I hold her hair in my left hand and punch her with my right. Nathan runs over and picks the girl up moving her away from me

"Hey I was just warming up, come on" I say pouting at Nathan and fluttering my eyelashes

"That may work on these drunk assholes but not me, go have a smoke and calm down" he says as he turns away and carries the girl away. Normally when I take a break I go outside and talk to Nathan, but gotta avoid the drunk bitch, so I head for the side door which takes me out into the alley at the side of the club. I step out and the cool air hits me, I take a deep breath and instantly feel myself calm, the alley is only about 10 feet wide, I stand under the light by the door and light my cigarette. Deep cleansing breaths, must not kill. I repeat to myself as I calm down, I hear footsteps approach and assume it's Nathan checking it's safe to let me near customers again

"Hey pretty lady, you're too pretty to be alone, why don't I keep you company" I look up and see a creepy fucker standing in front of me. Holy hell the hillbillies have escaped. He's wearing denim and cow boy boots, looks like he hasn't showered in a month, his greasy brown hair stuck to his head, his brown and grey beard running down to his chest, and I'm sure I can see food in it, ewww.

"Thanks man, but I work here, I'm just on break, heading back in now anyway, see you round" I turn and reach for the door handle when he pushes me against the door so I can't open it, I feel him press his dirty body up against me, he even smells like he hasn't showered for a month, gonna hurl. He runs the back of his hand down the side of my face, oh my god it's touching me.

"Dude sorry, I normally would, but I gotta work, can't upset the boss and I'm sure you'll find a pretty lady before the nights out" I push back into him to try and get him off me enough I can open the door but it doesn't work. He puts his hands on the wall either side of me trapping me in, I turn to face him and the stench of his breath hits me, he smiles and I see half his teeth are missing, he's a strong son of a bitch and I can't get away from him

"Well, if we're going to do this, better do it quick before my boss finds me" trying to hide the disgust in my face I run my finger down his chest and towards his belt, I unclip it and bend down, he moves back to give me room and I keep one hand on his belt but my other hand reaches into my boot and pulls out my knife, I jump up and grab his beard in my fist

"Oh you like it rough, I can do rough pretty lady" he says before leaning forward to try and kiss me. I bring the knife up and cut his beard off at his chin before returning the knife to his throats and pushing against his skin

"Get the fuck away from me before I cut your dick off" I spit at him piercing his eyes with mine. Just as he is about to respond I slam my forehead into his nose and hear the crunch of bone breaking. He backs off and steps away blood pouring from his nose

"Run away little bitch before I finish the job" I shout as he practically runs down the alley. I can't help but laugh, it fills me with pride and joy to emasculate a man who thinks he can go around roughing up women to get what he wants. I light another cigarette and I can hear footsteps approaching me again, I grab the knife I'd just put back in my boot

"Boy if you think I won't finish what I started yo-" before I can finish I look up and see the chiselled, tattooed arms attached to a leather clad chest approach me, he steps into the light and it's Reaper, the hottie with a body VP of The Devils Runners

"Sorry I thought you were the hillbilly" I say laughing putting my knife back in my boot

"I saw the way you handled that guy, gotta say the way you worked that knife, it was pretty hot" he says with that low gravely voice that definitely made my panties damp. He steps up close to me, I feel my back against the rough brick wall behind me, men never intimidate me, but this guy does, I'm like a dumbfounded teenager, putty in his hands. I can't form words, take me in this alley, is what I want to say, but it won't come out. I look up at his dark eyes full of fire, his strong jaw coated in stubble and his black hair swept back away from his face, he smells like oil and leather, I study his body, his chest under his leather cut solid with muscle stretching the grey t-shirt under his cut, his arms covered in ink threatening to rip the sleeves

"You've gone awfully quiet, baby girl, gotta name?" He asks in that panty soaking voice, I swear I had to hold in a moan, just as I reach out to finally touch his strong arm the door next to me bursts open

"Roro, it's packed at the bar, I need you back in" Alicia shouts over the metal music spewing out behind her. Pulled from my thoughts I look to Alicia then back to Reaper

"I gotta go, if you can wait I finish at 4, then I'm all yours" I say still trying not to physically drool at his perfect body

"See ya at 4 Roro" he says with a wink, please god don't ever call me Roro again you sexy bastard. I wink back and head back inside

"Was that Reaper? If you fuck him I will be SO jealous and I will want every detail" Alicia shouts as we head to the bar

"Hell yeah I'm gonna fuck him, I just want to lick that body" I say before I can look around and realise 10 guys heard what I said, well hopefully they will tip generously.

"Hey baby, you can lick my body" a tall muscly man says to me as I hand him his beer, if I wasn't planning on fucking Reaper half to death I probably would

"Maybe another night Sugar" I say running my finger down his defined chest, he hands me $10 for his beer before pulling out $100 and placing it in my cleavage. I give him a wink and move on to serve the next guy. If he's here tomorrow night he's my next victim.

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