Chapter 32

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We arrived at the clubhouse bright and early, time to act on my plan. I gathered all my equipment and headed down to the armoury with Reaper. Grinder met me there

"You ready for this shit BTK?"

"You fucking know it. He tied to a chair?" He nods and motions for me to head through to the cells. He follows me as we enter. Grinder stops me before I reach the cell and hands me a tablet

"I hooked up the feed so we can watch live while you're in there. Pissed me off I missed half of it the last time thanks to blood on the door" he says smirking.

"Me and Grinder will be right outside the door if you need us" Reaper says before kissing me passionately. We separate and I walk up to the door. I take a deep breath before unlocking it.

"I wondered when this fucking whore would show her face" Jerry spits through swollen bloody lips

"Hi Jerry, long time no see Dad" I say sweetly. I head to the table and open up my knife roll. Grinder added a few goodies for me, but I'll get to them. I take my iPod and connect it to the sound system

"What are we having a fucking party?" He growls

"Well I am" I press play and the playlist begins I feel the fire rising in my body, getting ready to take over

"I should've killed you when I killed your bitch mother. You're both worthless pieces of shit. I did everything for you and you threw it back in my face, whore"

"Oh keep going Jerry, you're helping me out"

"Keep going? Where do I start, you stole my money, you took my drugs, you fucked my men like the slut that you are. You are nothing but a weak worthless whore. You will get what's coming to you bitch"

"Jerry, you have such a way with words. I see my friend has been keeping you entertained in my absence. He was planting kisses on your body compared to what I'm about to do. I'm going cause you endless pain, I'm going to watch you cry, scream and bleed. You will beg me to kill you and I won't. I'm going to make sure you suffer for what you did to my mother. Goodbye Jerry" I turn the music up and pick out my first knife, it's small but sharp. I dance over to him and push the blade into his skin, I slide it along and open the skin along his left arm slowly. I can see he's trying not to show me it hurts, but it clearly does. He grits his teeth and lets out a low moan, the blood begins to trickle from the fresh wound onto the floor, drop after drop

"You can only hurt me because I'm tied up whore. If I was loose you would be dead by now"

"Oh Jerry I do apologise. Let's make this even Steven then shall we?" I say before cutting the ropes around his ankles and wrists. The Demon rises in my body and takes control. Let the games begin.


I sat on the floor in front of the cell listening to Jerrys cries and screams. Grinder to the side of me, with the tablet in between us. I almost stormed in there when she cut him free but Grinder stopped me. Jerrys blood is now covering every surface. He hasn't got any fingers left on his left hand and his right hand is badly broken. Almost every part of his body has been cut, stabbed or beaten. He tried to fight back at first, but when she shot him in the knee and he went down he didn't stand a chance. It's been three hours, I almost feel bad for the guy, almost. My cell phone buzzes and I answer it

"How's she doing Reaper?" Machete asks

"She's doing damn good, you'd be proud. I don't think there will be much left to get rid of" I reply never taking my eyes off the screen

"Good girl. After she's cleaned up bring her to the bar, we're going to celebrate in style" he says before ending the call. The music pauses and I look to the screen. She goes over to the table and pulls something out

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