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Rosie was up on the bar dancing and I was watching intently for any guy getting closer

"I can't believe you let you work here now you're married" Knuckles says sitting next to me

"Good job Alicia isn't up there too" I say taking a sip from my beer

"Have you seen the size of Alicia. She couldn't get out of the tub yesterday, never mind dance on there. I'm telling you my boy will arrive by the end of the week" Knuckles says

"I'm happy for you man. You two set a date for the wedding yet?"

"Nah Alicia said Rosie looked so pretty in her wedding dress she refuses to marry me while she's fat. I keep telling her she's not fat but she won't listen"

The song ends and Rosie climbs off the bar. She motions to Alex and then heads off through the club. I step out into the alley and see her lighting a cigarette

"My husband is a dangerous man. I wouldn't get too close or he'll kill you" she says as I step closer. I press my chest against her pushing her against the wall

"We better be quick before he finds us then" I say pressing my lips to her neck. She laughs and wraps her arms around my shoulders

"Did you enjoy the show Daddy? I've been thinking of trying a new dance. I thought I could test it out on you later, naked" she says into my ear. I growl and lift her up. She wraps her legs around my waist and our lips crash together. She groans when the door next to us opens and Mark steps out

"What have I told you about fucking on shift Rosie. I had to have the bar decontaminated 2 weeks ago when I caught you lovebirds on it" he says trying to hold his laughter.

"Sorry Mark, can't keep my hands off him, I'm coming now" she says as I lower her to her feet.

"Sorry Daddy, save it until I finish work" she says kissing me one last time before we head back inside.

She finishes her shift and climbs on the back of my motorcycle. We ride off into the night and pull up at home. We head inside and she sits on the couch taking her boots off

"Feels weird without the guys, but I love it now it's ours" she says looking around. Nathan became a prospect for the club and is now best friends with Smith, who Rosie still calls the prospect who hates her and they became roommates. Rosie set Alex up with a girl and they moved in together so we turned Rosie's house into our home. I walk over to her and pick her up

"Time to finish what we started in the alley baby girl" I say as she wraps her legs around my waist

"Oh Daddy" she moans as she bites my neck. I lay her on our bed and climb on top, then both of our phones light up. Rosie groans before picking hers up, I reach for mine when she screams

"Alicia is in labour we gotta go!" She shouts running for the door.

We jump on my bike and I race to the hospital. Rosie runs down the corridors not giving a damn who she knocks over, that's my girl. We get up to the room and she barges in. I wait outside with the guys. Several hours later she steps out tears in her eyes

"He's here and he's so fucking cute" Rosie says walking over to me. A few minutes later Knuckles steps out and we all head outside for cigars.

"You're next man" Knuckles says cigar in his mouth

"Yeah sure, I want kids but Rosie is still young, she's not ready" I reply lighting up

"I'm telling you man the way she looked at my boy, she wants one. You're next" he says laughing.

We head back up and I follow Knuckles into the room. Alicia is asleep and Rosie is sat in the chair holding the baby with a huge grin on her face. She hands the baby to Knuckles and walks over to me wrapping her arm around my waist. Knuckles steps out into the hall

"Everyone meet my son, Xavier Diesel Carter" he says looking down at his newborn.

"I'll leave her to rest, but you call me if she wants me Knuckles, that's my sister" Rosie says before we head out.

A few days later and Alicia has brought the baby to the clubhouse with Rosie

"Hey prospect who hates me no smoking by my godson. Don't make me beat you again" Rosie says firmly. He rolls his eyes and walks out of the bar. Grinder walks in with his old lady Sadie and Sadie goes straight for the baby, while Grinder grabs a beer and comes over to sit with me and Knuckles

"That kids taking our women already. Your sons gonna be a smooth son of a bitch" Grinder says hitting Knuckles on the back laughing. Alicia heads home with the baby and the party starts, every one drinking and dancing Rosie finally stops dancing and comes to sit with me. I wrap my arm around her shoulder

"Daddy" she says in that voice that may fool Officer Petey but not me

"Yes baby girl?"

"I want one" she says not looking up from the table

"You're ready?" I ask shocked.

"I wanna have your babies Reaper" she says lifting her gaze to look into my eyes

"Well hell, we better start practising now" I say picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder.

Whole Lotta Rosie ( MC Romance)Where stories live. Discover now