Chapter 11

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Alicia, Alex and I pile into the ER and head for the front desk

"Hi I'm looking for Nathan Masterson" I say to the nurse on the front desk she nods and directs us to his room. We run down the corridor to his room and burst through the door.

"I'm sorry, family only" the nurse stitching his shoulder says

"Well that's lucky because I'm him fiancée and this is his brother and sister" I say pointing to Alicia and Alex, they look nothing alike but fuck it. She looks over Alicia and Alex before looking up and Nathan

"Right ok. Well your fiancé just has a flesh wound, I'm just stitching it up and he can go" she says before putting a dressing over the freshly stitched wound

"Baby, are you ok?" I ask looking at Nathan, I see him holding in a laugh before he replies "yes baby I'm alright, just want to get out of here" he stands up from the bed and picks up his t-shirt. I help him put it on and we head for the door.

I drive us home and park on the driveway. I help Nathan into the house, but I'm not really helping because he's so much bigger than me. We head up to our rooms and I take my clothes off and climb into bed. I grab my phone and see a message from Reaper

Daddy: Tonight was very sexy Baby girl

Baby girl: Thank you Daddy, I was just lying here naked thinking about you

Daddy: Don't tempt me. I'm picking you up tomorrow at 3 for a date, wear something sexy

Baby girl: Ok Daddy, night xx

I put my phone on my night stand and drift off to sleep, I can't get Reaper out of my head, I just want to feel his touch on my skin, I've always been the dominant one, taking what I want and then kicking them to the curb, but with Reaper I like him being in control.

I woke up and checked the time in my phone 12pm. I have my first ever date in three hours. I run downstairs and find Alicia

"I need help. Reaper said he's picking me up for a date in three hours" I said searching for my cigarettes. I turn to look at Alicia, Nathan and Alex. They're looking at me like I've got two heads.


"You're going on a date and you're nervous. Who the fuck are you and what've you done with Roro?" Alicia asks getting up from the couch. She grabs my hand and pulls me up to my room

"Go shower and wash you're hair, I'll pick out some clothes" she says slapping my ass and heading for my closet. I get in the shower and wash my hair, letting the warm water run over my body I mentally slap myself, I'm behaving like a fucking teenager getting ready for prom. I step out the shower and brush my teeth. I walk into my bedroom and my bed is littered with clothes.

"I called Knuckles and I know where Reaper is taking you, so you're going to wear this" she says handing me an outfit. It's a pair of ripped black jeans, a dark red long sleeved shirt and my black converse

"I'm sorry am I a fucking Nun? He told me to wear something sexy" I say putting the jeans back on the bed and picking up a leather mini skirt

"Trust me, you don't want to wear that where you're going" she says tugging the skirt from my hands.

"Fine" I put on the outfit she picked and we gets working on my hair. She created soft waves that hang down my back and then does my make up, still plenty of black eyeliner, but more subtle than my usual look. I hear the roar of an engine and head to my bedroom window. I look out to see him pulling up on my driveway on his motorcycle.

"He better like this outfit" I say looking to Alicia before heading for the front door. I open the door and there he is, in his dark jeans with the silver wallet chain, a black t-shirt and his leather cut.

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