Chapter 9

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I wake up to screaming and jump up reaching for my gun. The bedroom door bursts open and Knuckles runs in with his gun

"The fuck is going on?" Knuckles shouts

"She's having a nightmare, the fire triggered it, she'll stop in a minute" Nathan says from behind Knuckles. Knuckles puts his gun down and walks out closing the door, I turn to Rosie and wrap my arms around

"It's ok baby girl, I'm here, you're safe, I got you" I whisper into her ear while stroking her hair. She jumps up in a panic

"Fuck" she says looking around the room. She climbs down the bed and grabs her purse, she lights a cigarette and walks over to the window opening it up

"Sorry for waking you, you don't have to stay" she says still looking out the window

"I'm not going anywhere, Nathan said the fire triggered your nightmare? What's going on?" I say getting up and walking over to her. I step up behind her and wrap my arms around her

"Let's just say I survived a fire before I moved here and I just get flash backs sometimes" she says leaning her head against my chest

"You can tell me you know, I won't judge and I won't tell anyone" I say before tilting my head down to kiss the top of her head.

"Ok, but if I tell you, and you react badly I will safeword your ass" she says flicking her cigarette out the window before closing it, she turns to face me and walks back over to the bed, I follow and sit next to her.

"Ok, I lived with my Mom and my stepdad Jerry, the week before my 19th birthday there was a fire and I was the only one who got out. I moved here and bought this house with my inheritance" she says looking away from me the whole time. She's still keeping something from me, I will find out.

"Come on Baby Girl, let's get some sleep"

"Ok Daddy" she says curling up against me, I wrap my arm around her and we both fall asleep.

I wake up and feel around the bed, it's empty damn, I like her sleeping on me. I get up and put my clothes on before heading downstairs. I can hear laughter coming from the Kitchen and there's Rosie, cigarette in one hand redbull in the other dancing with Alicia by the stove.

"Lets go home and get stoned, we could end up making love instead of misery" Rosie sings grinding up against Alicia's back while she tries to cook eggs

"Go home and get stoned, cos the sex is so much better when you're mad at me" she continues pulling Alicia's head back

"Bitch I'm cooking, go be happy somewhere else" Alicia says pushing her away

"I'm not happy I'm combatting my hangover with enthusiasm" Rosie says dancing away from Alicia and spinning round. She still hasn't seen me. The song changes to girl all the bad guys want and she starts bouncing around the kitchen

"Morning Baby girl, sleep well?" I say stepping into her view. She stops dancing and looks up to me

"Mornin' Daddy, you're like a Level 20 clinger now, you realise we slept in my bed and didn't have sex, I have NEVER done that before" she says before taking a drag on her cigarette and stubbing it out in the ashtray on the counter.

"Oh my god Roro, you romantic bitch, did Baby need a cuddle?" Alicia asks making kissing noises. Rosie laughs and walks over to the cupboard grabbing a pan and a spoon

"I'm kind of disappointed you're awake, I was hoping to wake you up with these, but I guess I'll get Knuckles with it instead" Rosie says heading for the stairs

"Be prepared for Knuckles to pull a gun on you" I shout up the stairs after her

"You're changing her you know" Alicia says without looking up from the stove

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No it's good, I've never seen her this happy, give her time, but I think she likes you, a lot" she says pouring eggs onto a plate and setting it on the counter. Suddenly I hear a gunshot and run to the stairs

"I'll get my tools" Nathan says walking down the stairs

"Fucking crazy bitch I could've fucking killed you, then Reaper would've killed me" I hear Knuckles say from upstairs

"Oh Knucky, morning Sugar, breakfast is ready" Rosie says giggling coming down the stairs. She runs passed me to the kitchen giggling like a school girl. Knuckles comes down shortly after

"A pan and spoon, really? That bitch is crazy, fucking marry her" Knuckles says to me before we head into the kitchen. I sit at the counter between Knuckles and Nathan

"We're going to need more chairs if you keep your clingers around" Nathan says to Rosie and Alicia, Rosie walks over to me and I pull her onto my lap

"Problem solved" I smile.

"Oh Daddy, do you like having me over your knee?" Rosie says biting her bottom lip, I hear Knuckles choke on his coffee

"Oh we're in a teasing mood are we this morning baby girl?"

"Oh yes Daddy" she says with a wink

"Alicia, the song" I say as Alicia moves to the sound system and puts whole lotta Rosie on

"Hey Alicia, do you know Rosie's middle name?" I ask watching the color drain from Rosie's face

"Don't you fucking dare"

"Oh my god tell me, tell me, tell me" Alicia says jumping around the kitchen

"Sparrow" I say with a shit eating grin on my face

"Oh my god, Rosie Sparrow, how cute!" Alicia says laughing

"Oh you're getting punished for that Daddy" Rosie says trying to get off my lap but I pin her down

"I hope so" I whisper in her ear, I feel her body shiver and can't help but laugh.


Reaper and Knuckles had to go after breakfast, some meeting or something. I was hanging out on the couch watching Nathan and Alex play call of duty

"So Sparrow, you like him don't you?" Alicia says coming over to sit next to me

"I like the sex 'Licia" I say pulling my cigarettes from my pocket and lighting one

"Roro, you like him and he likes you, don't you dare cut him out, give this one a chance. If it doesn't work out you can do the told ya so dance to me for the rest of your life"

"Oh you can bet I will. But I am not letting him sleep over without sex ever again, it's just unnatural!" I say getting up and heading for the stairs

"I'm gonna go get ready for work, an hour til we head out bitches" I head to my room and put some music on. I get in the shower and wash my hair. I can't stop thinking about Reaper, yes the sex is amazing, but I think I actually like him. I know I didn't exactly tell him the truth about the fire, but I haven't told anyone, even Alicia and she's my best friend. I'm not letting my guard down, I need to protect myself for when it goes wrong, but I do want to see him again.

I step out the shower and wrap a towel around my body. I head to my closet and pick out my clothes, I'm going to tease Daddy when he gets to the club tonight. I put on black lace bra and panties, denim cut off shorts that show off the bottom of my ass and my work tank, tying it under my breasts to show off my stomach. I grab my boots, black shiny leather that lace up to my knees and my leather jacket. After straightening my hair and putting on my make up, I fasten up my boots and head downstairs.

"We ready ladies?" I shout through the house before heading to my truck

"Damn Roro, you're a fucking tease" Alicia says meeting me at my truck, I laugh and climb in. Nathan and Alex jump in the truck and we head for work.

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