Chapter 13

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Where the fuck is she? We came out here yesterday afternoon and looked until it went dark. We've been looking all day since the sun rose and there's still no sign of her.

"Reaper, its dark man, let's head out. Alicia said she'll be back tomorrow, we'll wait for her at her house and bring her straight to the club house" Knuckles says putting his hand on my shoulder

"Just wait, it gets cold, she'll light a fire then we'll see her" I say looking out from the top off the cliff across the desert

"Reaper, I just heard gunfire to the east, might be worth checking out?" I hear Shotgun say over the radio. I jump on my motorcycle and head east. Sure enough as it opens up I can see a fire burning. I hear another shot followed by a howl. I speed up with Knuckles and Shotgun on my tail. I pull up to the fire burning and jump off my bike.

"Evening Reaper, thought you would've headed out by now, bit dark in the desert for you boys"

I look around and she steps out from behind a boulder.

"You knew we were here?"

"Hey dumbasses, that big cliff you're looking from, everyone in a five mile radius can see you" I can't help but laugh

"What's the mass panic? Alicia knows I'll be home tomorrow, I don't need to be rescued" she says pulling a half empty bottle of Jack from her bag.

"The Mexicans are after you for killing two of their guys, Machete wants you at the clubhouse" Knuckles says as he moves over to sit by the fire

"It isn't safe for you to be out here by yourself" I say moving closer to her. She laughs loudly and reaching into her bag. She pulls out a roll of material and opens it up, its full of knives and various types of weapons.

"Not to mention these" she says revealing the gun in the waist of her pants, the small handgun strapped to her leg and then pulls a shotgun from the side of her motorcycle.

"Fuck she's got more weapons than there are in the clubhouse" Knuckles says inspecting the roll of knives

"I can look after myself Reaper, I have to. I just need space and quiet. I'll be back tomorrow" she says taking the knife off Knuckles and putting the roll away in her bag

"Just come back to the clubhouse with us, I'll get Alicia to meet us there and you can party with the guys again" I say placing my hand on her shoulder.

"Fine, lets see if you can keep up with me" she says packing up her stuff. She puts out the fire and climbs on her bike

"Ready boys?" She starts her engine and it roars to life. Me, Knuckles and Shotgun get on our bikes and she heads off. When she said keep up she fucking meant it, she knew exactly how to use that powerful engine underneath her.

We hit the highway barely keeping up with her. As the road straightened out she pulled back the throttle. We caught up to her, I was on her left, Knuckles on her right and Shotgun behind her. She stood up on her motorcycle, threw one hand in the air and howled, her face lit up with pure pleasure, now I know why she wanted her bike back on the road, she loves the ride just as much as I do.

We pulled into the clubhouse and she parked up along side me.

"I fucking love a girl who knows how to ride" Knuckles says getting off his motorcycle

"I could ride before I could drive" she says winking at him.

"Roro, you're back" Alicia says running across the lot and hugging her.

"I'm back, lets go get fucking drunk" Rosie says putting her arm around Alicia's shoulder and walking off into the clubhouse. She followed me upstairs to my room and put her bag on the armchair, took the gun out of her waistband and unstrapped the one from her leg and put them in her bag

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