Chapter 18

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It was Saturday night and after missing my last two shifts I insisted I was ok to work, much to Reapers dismay. Alicia helped me cover my bruises with make up, my black eye only added to the smokey eye effect anyway. I'm wearing my Titanium tank, my leather pants and my fuck me boots. Yes I'm getting a few questions about my cast and I am slower serving but overall it's been a good night. I'm starting to feel myself again and I'm happier, the guys are following me around, but it doesn't piss me off anymore. Nathan still wasn't working because of his injuries, him and Alex are still staying at the clubhouse with us, Nathan seems to fit in well and Alex is getting on well with the club whores. I head from the bar across the club and out the side door into the alley, lighting a cigarette

"Hey Daddy" I say to the shadow on my left

"You alright baby girl? If you can't manage I can take you home" he says stepping into the light

"I'm just fine Daddy" I say smiling at him the moment gets interrupted by a drunk man stumbling towards me

"Hey baby, you need a real man to make you feel better" the drunk asshole says stepping towards me, I see Reaper tense up

"Don't worry, I got this" I whisper and raise my left arm, showing him the knife in my cast. I step up to the drunk asshole and put on my innocent eyes and voice

"Thank you for the offer, but I have a man, maybe another time" I smile, he reaches out to touch me but before his hand connects with my waist my knife connects with his throat

"Think again mother fucker" I say feeling the fire that's been missing rising through my body. Drunk asshole turns to run but falls over before clambering to his feet and leaving the alley

"That's my baby girl" Reaper says before kissing me passionately

"Maybe you can remind me whose baby girl I am when I finish work, daddy" I whisper in his ear before heading back inside. I hear him groan before he follows me back into the club.

As soon as the club closed Reaper had me on the back of his motorcycle heading for the clubhouse. He screeched into the parking lot and picked me up off his motorcycle storming for his room. He closed the door with his boot and carried me over to the bed, laying me down gently

"Tell me if I hurt you and I'll stop, ok baby girl?" He asks helping me out of my boots

"Just fuck me Daddy" I whisper in his ear. With that my clothes are ripped from my body. He takes off his clothes and lowers himself down on top of me. Our lips crash together, I forget about the pain all I feel is passion and pleasure. He trails kisses down my neck and to my breasts, taking my nipple in his teeth before running his tongue over. His kisses trail lower across my stomach heading down he runs his tongue down my wet folds

"Baby girl you're so wet for me" he whispers

"I need you" I moan feeling his breath against me. He licks my core and inserts a finger inside me followed by another, the combination of his tongue and fingers sending waves of pleasure through my body. I feel my climax building

"Come for me baby girl" he moans against my skin. Within seconds I clench around his fingers and cry out in ecstasy.

He moves back up my body and presses his lips against mine, I wrap my legs around his waist and he thrusts into me, filling me completely. I moan into his mouth as I adjust and he begins moving, thrusting in and out faster and harder, I grab his shoulder with my right hand and dig my nails into his skin as I feel my climax building, with a few more thrusts I let go and moan out as I climax around him he follows me with his own climax and falls on top of me.

With his t-shirt on I curl into his side, resting my head on his chest and wrapping my leg over his. I close my eyes and inhale his scent. I love falling asleep like this. I feel his hand brush the hair out of my face and stroke my cheek but I don't move

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