Chapter 15

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I am going fucking insane. I'm actually going Jack Torrance. All work and no play makes Rosie a dull boy. You know what I mean.

It's Sunday night, my fourth night at work and I cannot breathe with these fucking Devils following me everywhere, I go for a smoke there's Knuckles, I go to the bathroom there's Shotgun by the bathroom door. I drag a girl out front Cueball is following me. I get taken back to the clubhouse and try to get peace in Reapers room, he's there. Do they want me to go back out to the desert, cos let me tell ya I'm fucking tempted.

"Rosie, its quiet tonight, wanna finish early?" Mark asks pulling me from my thoughts

"Oh fucking hell yes" I say grabbing a bottle of Jack from under the bar. I take the top off and take a big glug. I head through the club and out to the alley at the side to have a smoke in peace.

"Hey Baby girl, you finish early" damnit, no escape.

"Hey Reaper, yep, I plan on getting very drunk" I say placing the bottle of Jack to my lips.

"You alright Baby girl? Seem pissed"

"To be honest Reaper, I'm getting fucking cabin fever, I'm about five minutes from starting killing your guys. I need a fucking break. You know I can look after myself. Let me go home for tonight and relax, I'll come back to the clubhouse tomorrow" I say trying to give him the eyes that always work with Officer Petey.

"Sorry baby girl, I gotta keep you safe, I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened"

"Fine but tell everyone to watch from a distance while I get drunk, deal?"

"Ok baby girl" he says kissing my forehead before going back inside. I follow him in and head for the bar. I fill a beer mug with Jack and head for the dance floor. I drift off listening to the music, dancing by myself, the Jack finally giving me a buzz. I feel two hands on my hips

"Hey beautiful wanna dance?" I turn and see a tall blond man with blue eyes, he's not my usual type, looks too professional but fuck it. I grind against him and fall away from my thoughts with only the music in my head. Suddenly there is a solid chest in my face, I feel him reach passed me and push my dance buddy away, he picks me up and carries me to the office

"The fuck are you doing Rosie?" Knuckles asks putting me down in the chair

"Getting drunk and dancing what does it look like?"

"You're lucky Reaper didn't see that or he would've killed the guy"

"I'm not Reapers possession. I belong to me and me alone, who the fuck are you guys to decide that for me?"

"We're the guys busting our asses to protect you. If you can't see how Reaper feels about you you're fucking insane"

"What the fucks going on?" Reaper says barging into the office

"Nothing Reaper, I was just leaving, I'm going home, alone." I say getting up from the chair

"Like hell you are" Reaper says gripping me to stop me leaving

"Well if you want me to stay with you it will be a hostage situation because I am done with this shit" I say before biting Reapers hand. He loosens his grip and I shake free, heading for the door. I run down the corridor for the exit and run straight into Machete

"Where you going Kiddo?" He says picking me up off the floor

"Thank you for your help Machete but I can't take anymore, I'm leaving" I say just as Reaper and Knuckles catch up

"Sorry Kiddo but we voted to protect you, we made a promise to our club and you, you are under our protection and that is final" he says handing me to Reaper, like I'm a fucking doll.

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