Chapter 28

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"Well Doc, how is she? Can I see her?" I ask getting up from my seat

"I got the bullets out and I've stopped the bleeding, but Reaper the damage to her abdomen was severe, there was a lot of internal haemorrhaging, her injuries are very extensive, I'm not sure if she will wake up" I felt the world crash down around me. I lash out and punch the wall

"Reaper, you can come and sit with her if you wish" Doc says walking through to a different room. I follow and we approach a closed curtain

"Just wait a minute Reaper, Kate is cleaning her up" he says stepping behind the curtain. Kate steps out and waves for me to go in. I pull back the curtain and there she is lying in a bed, her face looks peaceful, but as I travel down her body and look at all the tubes, the bruising and the bandages. She's wearing a gown which is covering her breasts but exposes the bandages on her stomach. Now I know how she felt when I was shot, I want to burn down the world to avenge her. After all the death and destruction she caused she looks so small in the bed. I move to her right side and gently climb onto the bed, making sure not to disturb her stomach. I lift her head and rest it on my chest. I'm here baby girl, come back to me.

The days rolled into weeks. I never left her, Doc kept her at the clinic because he couldn't keep the hospital from asking questions if we took her there she did just kill 22 people single handedly after all. I made Smith get names for all of them so she could add to her tattoo when she woke up.

Kate slept in the clinic at night so she was there if Rosie needed anything. Alicia kept bringing me food and Alicia and Grinder would take turns sitting with her while I showered a couple of times a week, I didn't want to but they insisted after 10 days without me changing my clothes was too long. Rosie was breathing on her own and her arm and leg had pretty much healed. Doc had to operate on her again a few days later because some of his stitches didn't hold in her stomach. Doc said she was only getting stronger. He expected if she was going to wake up it would be soon.

Jerry is still alive and in the cells under the club house. I wanted to kill him but Grinder insisted only Rosie could do it. It didn't stop him from giving Jerry regular beatings. The club covered most of my duties for me and anything only I could deal with they brought to me so I didn't have to leave her.

"Morning Reaper, I brought you breakfast, did you sleep at all?" Alicia asks walking in with a plate of food

"A little but I'm alright" I answer taking a bite of pancake

"Well I'm free today so you go shower and sleep I can sit with her as long as you need" she says placing her hand on my arm. I climb off the bed and move to a chair

"Morning Roro, you need to wake up and get your man in line" she says stroking Rosie's cheek.

I finish my food and head outside. I haven't seen daylight for a while. I light a cigarette and pull my phone out of my pocket. I flick through my pictures, the day she got her cast off she insisted I take pictures of her with beautiful motorcycles and cars, of which she named all of them. Grinder took a picture of us together in front of a Dodge Charger she had raced and she insisted he sent it to her because she liked it but made us swear not to tell Alicia she had cutesy couple photos on her phone. I head back inside and check on her

"She's ok, go shower" Alicia says waving me off. I head for the room Doc said I can use and shower and put on clean clothes. I head back into the room and get back onto the bed next to Rosie. Come on Baby girl.


First all I saw was red, dripping, pooling, pure red. Then all I saw was black. Eventually it turned to white and I sat alone in a white room, with bright white lights. I could hear Alicia Roro this, Roro, that I could hear Reaper baby girl come on, baby girl you would've loved this. I kept shouting Daddy but it's as if he couldn't hear me, because I love how he reacts to that. I heard Grinder telling me of the things he did to Jerry. Jerry, I killed him didn't I? I can't remember. I can't think, all I see is white. I try to move but it doesn't work. Come on body, shift your ass. I try and try but it's no good. Fuck it, I think I'll stay in the white room.

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