Just How It Goes

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"You guys are a little early." Bryce said as he walked into the kitchen. "We can never start too early." Zach chuckled. "You're not wrong." Bryce smiled then pulled out a huge bottle of Everclear (strong alcohol). I just watch him set it all up and get out three shot glasses.

He poured some Everclear into each glass and handed one to me and Zach. "Cheers to a new liberty High member, Carmen." He raised his glass along with Zach. I stood not knowing what to do for a minute then I slowly raised my glass. "To me." I said. Everyone sat there for a minute then we all let out a laugh and drank the shot.


I helped Bryce and Zach set up the party then we just hung outside.

"Oh shit, guys I'll be right back. Monty need a ride." Bryce said as he stood up from the chair reading a message from his phone. "Can you guys go inside and get all the liquor out and party snacks?" Bryce asked. "Sure." I smiled. Bryce winked at me then smiled. "I'll be back." He said as he ran into his front yard.

"Shall we?" Zach stood up. "We shall." I laughed. We went into the house and started setting things up.

"He has a lot of alcohol." I say breaking our silence as we sat up the party. "Yeah his parents are gone a lot." Zach said as he grabbed red and blue solo cups out of the cabinet. "Wow he must be alone a lot then, that's sad." I said. "He's not alone trust me." Zach said as he laughed. "What do you mean?" I asked. Zach took a deep breath then suddenly the doorbell rang. "I'm going to get that, grab the salsa out of the fridge please." He said as he walked into the living room.


Bryce finally got back with Monty with a bunch of other people showing up. I watched Zach get up and go take more shots with all his buddy's. I just sat on the couch waiting for Hannah to come through the front door.

"How long are you going to sit there?" Bryce walked over and sat next to me. He put his arm around me and just sat like that. "Um, I'm waiting for a friend." I said scooting over so his arm wouldn't be around me anymore. "Hey come follow me I'll show you something." Bryce said standing up and reaching for my hand to help me up. I grabbed his hand and stood up.

We walked into the backyard and he had a huge pool and a hot tub.

"Let's go swimming." Bryce said talking off his shirt. He already had on his aqua blue swimming trunks on. "I didn't bring a swimming suite with me." I explained. "It's ok all these other girls are swimming with their bra and underwear on." Bryce smirked as he looked around. "No, I'm ok. I'm just going to go back inside." I said as I started walking back to the door.

Bryce grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "Come on you're beautiful. Just have some fun like everyone else." I stood there looking around then finally looking back at Bryce. "Ok, only for a little bit tho." I said as I slowly took off my romper.

I got in the hot tub and sat next to Bryce. There was Zach sitting next to our school president Marcus and they were just laughing until Zach saw me.

"Hey Carmen." He said as he let off a little smile. I smiled and made sure most of my body was underwater. "Oh Marcus this is the new girl, Carmen." Bryce introduced me to him. "Hi, nice to meet you." Marcus said then stepped out the pool. "Zach look Monty has beer pong out, lets go play." He continued saying. Zach looked at Bryce then back at me. "Ok." Was all he said as he stepped out the pool. I looked back at him walking with Marcus and he was looking at him. I turned back around real quick towards Bryce.

"You have an amazing house." I said as I looked around the backyard. "Yeah its all my parents, they work a lot." He said. I sat not knowing what to say.

"So you're single right." Bryce said putting his arm around me. "Um, look we should go play beer pong with them. They look like they're having fun." I say going to get up.

Bryce grabbed my hand and pulled me back. "Or we can do something even more fun." He said coming in to kiss me. I pushed his chest away from mine. "I'm good." I said pushing him away still. He grabbed me and turned me around real quick to where I was bending over the edge of the hot tub.

"Bryce what are you doing." I started freaking out. He started pulling down my underwear and that's where I lost it. "Stop! Get away from me!" I screamed. "Shhhhh shhh, it's ok." Bryce whispered.

I felt his pull down the front of his pants and that's when I fully understood what was about to happen. I started crying and I couldn't say anything but a little cry. "Please stop." I said softly. But then I knew as soon as Bryce placed his hands on my shoulders to get a grip that it was about to start.

"Bryce, what the fuck are you doing?" I heard a familiar voice say. "Dude, let us have some fun." Bryce replied back to him. "She's telling you to stop, I don't think she's having fun." The voice continued. "Whatever man." Bryce said.

I heard some splashes then the tub became silent. I began crying harder this time since I thought everyone was gone. I quickly pulled up my underwear and turned around. "Hey are you ok?" Zach asked. I whipped my face real quick and smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine." I quickly said then got out of the hot tub.

I ran to the front yard and just stopped to take a deep breath, only to begin crying again.

"Carmen!" I turned around and it was Zach yelling for me. You ran up to me and handed me a towel. "Thanks but I'm gonna go home." I said as I wrapped the towel around me. I started walking toward the street then again, Zach ran up to me.

"Let me give you a ride, please." He offered. I just nodded then followed him to his car.

Most of the car ride was silent. I didn't know what to do or say. So many thoughts were going through my head at the moment I just couldn't hold it in no more.

"He was going to rape me." I suddenly said with tears in my eyes. Zach looked over at me then back at the road. He slowly pulled over and parked on the side of the road.

"Carmen, he's not a good guy. He will try and get any girl he can get. Don't hang out with him or be friends with him." He explained. "Why are you friends with him?" I asked. "He's just been there for the team in rough times. Not being cool with him means I could be out the team." Zach continued explaining. "Can we just please keep driving?" I asked losing eye-contact with Zach to look out the window.


We finally arrived at my house which I was very thankful for. I unbuckled my seatbelt and put my romper back on.

I jumped out the car and so did Zach. He walked around the car and stood in front of me.

"Can you help me tie the back of my romper, I don't want my mom to think that I had it off?" I asked Zach. He smiled at me then nodded. I turned around and lifted up my hair for him to tie it. After he was done, I turned back towards him.

  "Thank you again for helping me out. I could never repay you for this, for stopping what he was about to do to me." I said as I looked down at my feet. "How about a hug and a new friend." I looked up at Zach and he was just smiling away. I smiled and went over and hugged him.

 I finally let go and stepped back

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I finally let go and stepped back. We both just smiled at each other in awkward silence.

"Oh, and hi, I'm Zach's new friend Carmen." I said. Both Zach and I laughed. "Goodnight, ill see you tomorrow friend." Zach said as he walked back over to the drivers side of the car. "Alright, goodnight." I said then walked up to my house then went inside.

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