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"I can't." I stoped Scott before he kissed me. "Why not?" He asked. "I'm dating Zach, I'm pregnant with Zach's baby. I'm sorry I just can't." I said as I got out the car to go inside and see if the pizza was ready.

"Um.. is my order ready?" I asked as I walked up to the counter. "Yes." The guy said then grabbed my four pizzas. "Here you go, have a good day." The guy smiled as he handed me the pizzas. "Thanks." Was all I said then walked out the door.

I handed Scott the pizzas then we drove back to the school without saying a word to him.

"I'm back." I said as I carried the pizzas over to everyone. Zach came up and just kissed me like no one else was there. I leaned back and smiled. "I love you." He aid grabbing a piece of pizza. "I love you too." I smiled then took a bite off his pizza.

Jessica and Clay finally showed up. Of course Jessica went over to Alex and Clay stuck around with me.

Zach came over and put his arm around my waist. "Ok everyone!" He yelled to get their attention. Everyone looked in concern. ".... We're having a girl!" Zach announced. Everything cheered and came up to hug me and Zach. "That's great." Jessica said smiling.

Zach and Clay actually were throwing the football back and forth, Alex and Jessica were talking, and Marcus, Bryce, Scott, and Monty were talking to each other.

"Hey, I'm going to go inside to go pee, I'll be right back." I said as I walked away from standing by Zach. "Ok."

I walked to the doors then went inside to the bathroom. I went pee then started washing my hands. Suddenly Bryce and Monty ran in and and pushed me up against the wall. "Scott come in here!" Bryce yelled. Scott walked in slowly. "What are you guys doing?" I asked getting scared. "Come on Scotty, give her a kiss now." Monty said as he laughed. I just was in shock and fear. Scott walked up to me and stopped. He didn't say a word or do anything, he just looked at me for a second. "I can't." He said then stepped back.

"Pussy, Monty bend her over the sink." Bryce demanded. "What? No." I said quickly. Monty pushed me against the sink then bent me over it and just held me down. Bryce pulled down my pants then my underwear and made me make my legs wider. "Please Bryce, I'm sorry." I started crying. Scott stood there not knowing what to do. Bryce place his hands on my hips then went in. "Please stop." I begged while crying. "Oh yeah." Bryce moaned while Monty laughed. Scott then ran out of the bathroom.

Zach's Pov

"What you want to do is place your fingers on the laces and that's what's going to help you have a good spiral." I explained to Clay. "Ok give it a try." I said then waited for clay to throw the ball. He threw the ball and it wasn't really that bad. "That was good dude." I smiled.

"Zach!" Scott came running towards me. I walked to him and he was just out of breath and so shaken. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Bryce.. he's raping Carmen." As soon as I heard that my heart skipped a beat. I ran as fast as I could to get to the school.

I ran inside and down the hallway to the bathroom. I went in ready to beat the shit out of Bryce but he wasn't there. Carmen was sitting on the floor with her pants pulled down crying.

"Carmen." I ran towards her. She didn't move but just sat on the floor crying. I went in to help her up but she freaked out. "Don't touch me!" She yelled. Clay and Scott ran in and just stopped. I stood up and walked over to them.

"I don't know what to do." I was just mind blown but so angry. "I have a blanket in my car. I'll go grab it." Scott said then ran out the bathroom. I looked back over and I could just tell she was terrified. I looked back at Clay and he just looked at me. I had to walk out the bathroom there and then.

I walked ways down the hall and then punched a locker. "Fuck!" I screamed. Clay ran out and towards me. "What the fuck dude. Carmen needs you, get your ass in there." Clay said pissed. "I don't know what to do, I'm going to kill Walker." I said. "Go in there and sit next to her and be supportive at this time, I'll call the police." Clay said then walked away. Scott ran in with the blanket and handed it to me. "Thanks." I said then ran back to the bathroom.

She was still on the floor and had her head leaned against the sink. I squatted next to her then covered her up with the blanket. "I'm here." I said then sat down by her.

Eventually the police came and helped her and had her get dressed. She didn't want to talk but she agreed to come in tomorrow with me.

We helped her walk out to my car and we sat her in the passengers seat. "Make sure you're there sometime before two tomorrow." One of the police officers said. "Thank you." I said then got into the car. Jessica, Alex, Clay, and Justin just stood watching. Jessica was crying and everyone else looked concerned.

"You know we have to talk to your mom?" I asked hoping I'd get a answer. "Yeah." She said then leaned her head on the window.

Carmen's Pov

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Carmen's Pov

What exactly do you do when you get raped? How are you suppose to talk to someone? Act like it never happened? Tell your mom?


We pulled up at my house and I got out and just looked at the house. Zach held my hand and went in with me.

"Zach, what a nice surprise." My Mom smiled. But her smile faded when Zach gave a half smile and I just stood there with a blank look. "What's wrong? What happened?" She got worried. "Can we sit down?" Zach asked. My mom nodded.

We walked into the living room and sat down. Everyone was quiet. What were we suppose to say? "Honey what's going on?" My Mom was impatient. "I-I...." words wouldn't come out. I took a deep breath and just tried keeping everything in. "Bryce Walker raped me." I said then started crying. My mom sat there in shock. A tear fell down her face.

She stood up quickly and just put her hands on top of her head and paced back and forth. "Tomorrow we're going to the police station to report it." Zach stood up and tried helping her out. "I need to go to bed." My mom ran upstairs. I just laid down on the couch and just didn't know what to do.

Zach covered me up with Scott's blanket then he laid on the floor. I closed my eyes and prayed that it was just a dream.

When We Met // Zach DempseyWhere stories live. Discover now