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It was close to dinner time and I was just leaving The Luxor so I could meet up with my mother Dimitra, and my two crazy older brothers JD and Costa, and once again I managed to be half an hour late on picking them up at the airport so I was driving like a bat outta hell so they wouldn't be too pissed off at me. I also knew my family would understand because they knew how busy I was all the time, so they were lenient on me.

After going thru rush hour on the main street in Vegas, I finally made it to the airport and rushed over to where I saw them all standing around with their luggage at their feet. I hollered at them and told them I made it as I jokingly spun in a circle and asked them if they were ready to head to the house and unpack, then go out to eat. JD slapped me on the back of the head and he told me not to take so long next time. While JD was occupying me with his humorous conversation, Costa swiped my keys and said he was so driving my Royce.

I ran around JD trying to catch him, only for my mom to stop me jokingly, and tell me to let my brother have fun and drive us to the house. I growled playfully at my mommy as I told her under my breath that I didn't like anyone driving my vehicles. My mom gave me a big hug and asked me to ride in the back seat with her. The more I tried, I just couldn't say no to my mommy, so I hopped in the back so my two brothers could ride in the front, but just before Costa pulled out of the airport I flicked him on the ear and told him no speeding, or reckless driving in my car.

Costa chuckled as he said he wouldn't dream of it, but just to push my buttons he revved up the motor excessively before heading to my humble abode, Serenity. As soon as we pulled up at my house my car was bombarded by my pack of four-legged children, happy to see us. My mom and brothers both noticed that I had a few more pets since their last visit. I chuckled lightly as I introduced them to my two newest pooches, one was a Rottie named Houdini, & a jet black Cane Corso I named Xristos after my alter-ego from my theatrical show. Then I reintroduced my two German Shepherds Oso and Chicklet to them.

They successfully unpacked and got settled in and were now ready for me to take them out for that special dinner I had on reserve for us all. Only this time I had my car keys and said I was driving us to the restaurant. Costa folded his arms in protest, and stated there was nothing wrong with his driving. I snickered to myself as I told him under my breath 'says the guy with hidden speeding tickets in his glove compartment. Costa popped me on the back of the head as he told me not to say that out loud, because he didn't want our mommy to know he was a compulsive lead foot when it came to driving, especially when he was driving hot wheels like mine.

I dropped the subject as I pulled up at the restaurant, then I lovingly escorted my mom into the building with my brother's following on each side of us. The waiter showed us to our seats, then handed out a menu to each of us. After looking thru the menu a few times I ordered for everyone, then raised my glass to my family and gave them a toast to health happiness and love. Then I pulled out a small envelope and handed it to JD and kissed him on the forehead and wished him a happy birthday.

JD opened the envelope as he looked at me blankly. I grinned at him and said he actually thought his lil brother forgot his birthday. He pulled out the card and read my writing of a few mushy words of brotherly love, then underneath it was a single car key taped to it. JD examined the car key for a moment then realized it was a key to his classic car he's been wanting to restore forever and that I magically had it done for him. JD smiled at me then gave me a kiss on the cheek and thanked me, then later on after our dinner, two waiters came out rolling a cart with a magnificent birthday cake to end the celebration with.

On our way back to my house, JD was driving while mom was telling me what a great present I got for JD's birthday, and Costa was snoozing while leaning up against the passenger side window. I helped mom to the house, then after her nightly cup of hot tea, she said she was going to go to bed early for that long plane ride wore her out. We all told her goodnight & that we loved her in unison, then we each went our seperate ways to our bedrooms and did a lil late night TV watching before going to sleep.

Well at least my two brothers got to go to sleep, but not me, for I was called in by Doug Malloy, telling me that he was having major problems with the Tronik robot and needed me there right away, so I had to get my happy ass dressed again and go back to work to see what all the fuss was about. But at that moment, I had no idea that I was getting ready to be in a terrible accident with a young and very scared single mom rushing her toddler to the hospital, sad to say neither one of us made it to our wanted destination. For the accident was instant and fatal.

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