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After driving around for several days and going thru many different towns and cities in search of this forgotten sister of Kylie, but without any help or knowledge of a place to start looking for her we were moreless searching blind. But once I gave Kylie my word that I would look for her, and that's what I was going to do, luckily though I let Klayton tag along because he was great company, and an extra driver when I was too tired to drive. I hopped in the back seat wanting to take a nap for an hour or so, but Johnny was wide awake and wanted to look out the window and ask his uncle Klayton what everything was that he pointed at.

It was while I fell asleep that I had a little visit with Kylie, but only momentarily and she didn't say a word, she just merely pointed in the direction we needed to go in, I thanked her in my sleep, then I woke up and told Klayton that we needed to go north because that's where we would find Kylie's sister. Klayton looked at me thru the rearview mirror and asked me how I knew that. I gave him my devilish smile and told him that I had a visitor come into my mind as I was sleeping and pointed me in the right direction. So Klayton chuckled to himself and turned the car around as he said he wished he could get sexy chicks to walk into his dreams like that every time he closed his eyes and help him out with a few things.

I reached over the seat and slapped him on the head as I told him to keep his thoughts to himself and reminded him that there was a toddler in the vehicle and didn't need to hear his perverted thoughts. Klayton stuck his tongue out at me and said my mind was the only one in the gutter because he was talking about getting their help with his music, then he told me to lay my silly ass back down and go back to sleep so he and Johnny could get back to their colorful conversation. I smiled at him as I called his an asswipe, then I plopped back down and tried to go back to sleep for just a while longer because soon it would be my turn to drive a while and his turn to nap. But I was restless and couldn't go back to sleep so I jokingly hollered out to Johnny and told him to come in the back seat with me and snuggle with me because I couldn't sleep and I needed my lil man with me.

Johnny crawled in the back seat with me and curled up under my arm and we both closed our eyes for a while, but didn't sleep, just rested until Klayton pulled up at a gas station to fill up and take a piss break and fill up with junk food, pop, and coffee. When he and Johnny got back from the station, I was now in the driver's seat and taking my turn for the next duration until I got sleepy again. Klayton slept for only half an hour, then he was wide awake and had his second wind and was in quite the talkative mood. Johnny, however, was wiped out from the long ride and he was sound asleep in the back seat with his blankie and stuffed monkey in his arms.

After Klayton ran out of things to talk about with me, he turned on the radio and we listened to and sang to some 80's Rock music like we used to do when we were in high school. But I just made sure we didn't get too loud to wake my lil man, not that it really mattered because as soon as Twisted Sister's "We're Not Gonna Take It" came on Johnny was wide awake and singing to it. Which I had my buddy Klayton to thank for that, and now that was Johnny's favorite song, that and my Mindfreak theme song. I thought it was so cute how he memorized all the words to all the songs he liked and could sing them without the background music.

I was lost in my own thoughts for a while as I was driving until suddenly out of nowhere a small car pulled out right in front of us and I quickly had to slam on my brakes and swerve to the side of the road to keep from being hit. As soon as I made it to a complete stop I checked on Johnny and made sure he was ok, then I asked Klayton if he was alright. Klayton looked at me and said he was fine but then asked me where in the hell did that car come from because there were absolutely no other vehicles on the road with us.

I opened the car door and walked around it to make sure there was no major damage to it before starting it up again, then I looked around to see if the other vehicle was still there or if they sped off when they realized they almost caused a wreck. But when I looked there was no vehicle around anywhere. Johnny sat straight up in the back seat and said out of the blue that we were almost there,  then he pointed his lil finger to the left at the crossroads that was right in front of us,  then gave us both a tiny smile and laid back down and closed his eyes again as he was squeezing onto his toy.

I jumped back into the car and slowly pulled out again and took the left turn as I told Klayton we didn't have anything to lose and that it seemed that Kylie was helping us out in looking for her sister and Johnny's aunt. We were now out of Nevada and on the Idaho state line heading north/northeast, the way it looked it was like we were being led straight towards Montana if we kept going in the same direction. But all in all, it was a great bonding experience for me and my son for he loved traveling with his uncle Klayton and me.

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