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That night was a fucking nightmare in the making, while everyone else slept I stayed awake watching over my son every second, during which he had three very bad episodes. One time I thought he stopped breathing altogether and I had to lean in very closely to listen, then he had several severe dry coughing spells, along with that fucking fever attacking him for a second time, but I was ready for it this time, I woke him up and carried him to the bathroom where I put a cool rag on his face and head as I had him chew up two of those fever tablets the doctor gave me, and a few hours later his fever was gone and he was once again sound asleep in my arms while I was sitting up in his little bed that Kc let him sleep in.

I fell asleep around 4 that morning still holding onto him close to my heart when I felt his body go into some kind of spasm. That woke me up instantly, I tried to get him to respond to me for he was looking right at me, but he wouldn't. His trembling disappeared then he got sick to his tummy and just as he was about to throw up, I grabbed the trash can and held him to it and he let it rip. The throwing up in itself made him cry because it scared him every time he did it, but soon after he calmed down he fell asleep again from mere exhaustion. I leaned back on the small bed, overloaded with worry and fear that there was something very wrong with my lil man.

Klayton was wide awake at 6 am, and he was in the room where Johnny and I were out cold from the long and gruesome night we shared. Klayton took one sniff from the air, and looked down in the trash bin, and knew all the hell I went thru. He got a little irritated with me for not waking him up, but he changed his point of view when he saw his nephew's eyes pop open and looking up at him with a very tiny smile on his face. Klayton tippy toed over to the bed and gently lifted Johnny up and told him it was uncle/nephew time and that they would let big daddy sleep a little more as Johnny gave his uncle Klayton a hi-five.

The first thing Klayton did was he gave his nephew a bath to wash all the sickness and sleep off of him, then he put him some fresh clothes on him along with some fresh apple juice in his sippy cup. Klayton held onto him tightly as they both meandered into the kitchen where he got ready to prepare them all a hearty breakfast with Johnny as his lil helper. Kc was up as soon as she smelt some food cooking, and went into the kitchen to investigate. Shannon was still sleeping in the spare room where she and Klayton were staying, for she wasn't a morning bird at all, she was more of the old-fashioned night owl.

Kc walked in on Klayton and Johnny as he was showing Johnny how to flip pancakes without the spatula, while in his underwear, she had to admit he was a pretty good lookin' man, but her heart was already set on the significant other that was so close to her son. She quickly looked around and when she didn't see me awake yet, she searched the back room thinking I made it to the bedroom she appointed me so I could sleep for a while, but I didn't make it that far. She giggled to herself as she saw me sleeping peacefully in the toddler bed with Johnny's blankie and bunny tucked under my arm. After she took a picture of it with her phone, she knelt down and gently placed a soft kiss on my cheek, then turned off the light and quietly closed the door so it would stay nice and dark in the room, so I could get some much-needed rest.

But that nap didn't last very long, for I was up and getting my shirt on when Johnny scampered into the room telling me that bekfast was ready, and uncle Klayton told him to come to get daddy. I tucked my shirt in, then I lifted my son up in my arms and said I was so ready for bekfast because I was starving as I gave him a smooch on his forehead and asked him how he was feeling this morning. But all I got out of him was a lot of giggles and him handing me his sippy cup offering me a drink. I playfully sucked on it then rubbed my tummy telling him how good that was as I sat him down in an empty seat at the table, then plopped myself in the one next to him.

After waiting a few minutes, and still, no food was being brought out I jokingly grabbed the silverware and began smacking the handles on the table telling Klayton to hurry up with the grub already, and that was I going to have to shave again before it was ready. Klayton came out with Kc following behind him carrying a plate of flapjacks with the option of either butter and syrup or jelly. Klayton filled the plates up with scrambled eggs and bacon, then Kc came around and put two pancakes on all the plates except for Johnny he wanted one. Shannon came out wearing Klayton's shirt as a nightie and sat down next to where he would be sitting and quickly grabbed the syrup and butter for the pancakes before they got too cold to melt the butter.

When Kc made it to Johnny's plate with the syrup, he humorously pushed the bottle away as he crinkled his nose up and said boldly said No! I chuckled at him as I told Kc that he hated syrup, and only liked strawberry jam and butter on his. Kc jumped back and apologized to him as she grabbed the jelly and spread it on for him, then his frown turned upside down and said thank you. Kc ruffled up his hair a little as she told him he was very welcome, then she sat down beside me as we all had a very wholesome breakfast together, without a worry in the world...that was until I heard my phone ringing, I looked down at the number and gave a sigh of slight depression as I told them all it was the hospital with the results.

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