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Kc gave the waitress a lil hug first then she told us both that her name was Shannon Reed, and that she has been friends with her since 8th grade. Klayton moved in closer to her and asked her if she'd be interested in making a new friend outta him because he was extremely interested in getting a whole lot closer. I put my hand on my head and told him he seriously needed some new material because that was not the best way to get a beautiful girl to like him enough to go out with his exotic and crazy ass.

Klayton pulled his sunglasses down and asked me what was wrong with his line, as he pointed to Shannon, and said that he managed to make her smile at him, and it was totally worth it. Johnny was moving his head back and forth while listening to his daddy and uncle talking a lot of nonsense he knew nothing about until he interrupted us both and finally popped the question, who was that pretty lady that was standing beside Shannon.

I changed the subject and held out my hand to Kc as I asked her to take a walk with Johnny and me so we could have a nice talk while Klayton made a total ass of himself in front of her girlfriend. Kc smiled slightly as she watched how Shannon was getting along with my buddy Klayton and told me that he was actually doing pretty good for himself because she was actually really starting to like him. I switched Johnny to my other side as we walked down the sidewalk toward the park so he could be closer to Kc.

I stayed quiet for a while still not really sure on what to say or how to say it, but I quickly got irritated at myself and gently placed Johnny into Kc's arms as I told him she was his real mommy, and that Kylie the girl that was taking care of him was her sister. Johnny looked at me blankly then looked up at Kc that was now very emotional as tears trickled down her cheeks and said that she was mommy.

Kc gave him a big hug then she pulled out her picture of him and his real dad James and herself holding him when he was a newborn. Johnny looked closely at the picture and knew that the baby was him, and he was happy with the thought of her being his mommy, but when he looked at the man that had his arms around him and his mommy Johnny crinkled up his nose and asked who dat was. I rubbed his head and told him that the man was his real daddy. Johnny slapped the picture and screamed out that it wasn't then reached out for me and said I was his only daddy! Then he pulled away from both of us and actually ran away from us both, but he didn't go too far, he just was feeling angry I think, and wanted to be alone. So I pulled Kc down on the bench and asked her to let him vent, for even though he was a 4-year-old toddler, he was old enough to have anger.

Kc sat down and asked me what I was going to do now, and if I would let her see Johnny every now and then. I watched as Johnny actually was sitting down in the park by the pond and angrily tossing rocks into the water, as I told Kc I was hoping we could come up with some kind of arrangement where both of us could be in his life, because I made a promise to her sister that I would try to meet her halfway, but there was no way I was going to give him up completely because I just loved him too much. Kc gave me a loving smile as she touched my leg and told me that just by the way Johnny was acting, there was no way he would allow anyone to take him away from me anyway. I snickered at her sense of humor and told her I did ruin him for anyone else by spoiling him rotten.

Then as I was about to say something else to her, she looked away and watched as her lil boy was now standing next to the edge of the pond, trying to make the rocks skip across the water but he failed miserably but on his last stone he did get it to skip twice before it sank  and said she didn't know why she was even bothering at all, because he may be hers biologically, but in every other way he was mine and that was that. Then she looked deeply into my eyes and said he didn't even look like her or James anymore, but when he looked at him, he did look a hell of a lot like me, and he even acted like me. I giggled insecurely as I told her that was just because my bad influence was rubbing off on him. Then I got serious again and told her that I definitely saw her in him. 

I was feeling the love spark wanting to hit me again as I looked into her beautiful baby blues, but just as I touched her cheek gently and was moving in for a little kiss, Johnny came back over to us and I dropped the thought altogether and asked him if he was feeling better now. Johnny hopped in my lap and said very clearly that I was his daddy then he crossed his arms showing me that he was putting his little feet down. I kissed him on the head and told him I wouldn't have it any other way, but then I pointed him in Kc's direction and asked him what he wanted to say to her. Johnny looked at her for a moment and simply said that she was his mommy, then he reached over to her and gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek. Now that his anger moment was officially over, he changed the subject and pulled both of us to the pond wanting me to skip stones so he could watch to see how it was done.

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