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It was now nightfall and I was still driving while Klayton was in the back seat holding Johnny in his arms snoring soundly. I gave a few yawns as I slowed down on the road, and checked my phone to see what time it was. When I noticed it was after 11:00 p.m. No wonder I was so sleepy, so I pulled over and smacked Klayton and told him I needed him to drive to the nearest town and find a hotel or something because I was totally wasted and couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. Klayton sat up and slid out from under Johnny and told me I looked beat, then he crawled behind the steering wheel and told me to take over being Johnny's pillow.

Right, when I laid down in the backseat I was sound asleep wrapped around my son. Klayton drove for another half hour or so before he found a motel. It wasn't much to look at but it was a place to sleep in a real bed instead of the very uncomfortable seats in the very crowded car. Klayton grabbed Johnny then went into the main office and paid for a double room, then he came out and grabbed me and said the room was ready and waiting for us. I gave him a slight grin, as I locked my car up and very tiredly followed my crazy ass buddy to the room where Johnny was already sound asleep in the bed he and I would be sharing. But instead of Klayton taking the other bed he tossed our luggage on it and crashed on the other side of Johnny and we all went to sleep very peacefully and soundly.

I was hoping that Kylie would come into my dream one more time and tell me where to go, so our trip wouldn't take so long, but for as strange as it was, I had no dreams of any kind that night, I had nothing but sound and deep restful sleep. Klayton was the first one awake the next morning, so he decided it was up to him to rustle up some breakfast for all of us. But right when he opened the motel room door Johnny popped his head up out of the bed and was wide awake and looking over at his uncle as if getting ready to tell him how dare he try to leave without him. 

Klayton smiled at him but touched his lips with his finger to tell him to stay quiet so I could sleep in a little longer beens I did drive the most so far and was very tired. Johnny silently and easily slid to the foot of the bed and raised his arms up to his Uncle Klayton so he could grab him and take him with him to get some grub, milk, juice, and some strong coffee for himself. It didn't take long for them to make it back to the room, but when they did, I was already awake and out of the shower, waiting for them to get back with the car so I could load all the shit in the trunk and get ready to head out again, because I wasn't one for lingering so long in one spot when I was searching for someone. I was just hoping that one of us would receive a sign or something to let us know we were still heading in the right direction.

But after our breakfast, and we were on the open road for a few hours with no signs or visions I told myself that we must be going in the right direction still because maybe she wouldn't show me unless we went in the wrong way. Klayton was driving when my mom called and asked how we were going and if we found what we were looking for yet. I snickered at her humor and told her that we were still on the road to I know not where, and I wasn't sure when or even if we were going to find this person or not. But I did tell her how much fun we three boys were having with each other and that Johnny really loved traveling and going out and playing during our short stops for gas and snacks and that Klayton was spoiling him rotten by getting him a toy from every stop we made.

My mom told me how wonderful it was, then she asked me how I was feeling, being cooped up in that car for so long, and just after getting out of the hospital from the accident I was in. I gave a slight sigh and told her I honestly haven't thought about any of that until she just mentioned it. Then I chuckled again and told her that I was doing just fine, and that I would send her some pictures of us together during our little excursion as soon as we found a good stopping spot for a while, because I was getting tired of being in the fucking car for so long and I was wanting to stretch my legs out a bit. And the perfect spot to do that was a zoo, and just a few miles back I saw a sign that said there was a zoo a few miles ahead and to the left called Idaho Falls Zoo in Tautphaus Park.

As soon as Johnny saw where Klayton was pulling into he got all excited and wanting to see and pet and feed the critters, especially when he saw other kids in the petting zoo getting to really interact with some baby animals. Klayton stayed in the car and said he would meet up with us at the ticket booth as soon as he found a place to park after he let us out at the entrance, I told him we would wait for him because it looked large enough on the inside to really get lost if he didn't know which way we went. Klayton gave us both a thumbs up then peeled out to find the perfect parking spot closest to the exit so when we wanted to leave it would be easier for us to get out without getting stuck in between other guests' vehicles.

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