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So for the next couple days, my family stayed at the house with me, and as soon as Johnny started talking to them he turned into quite the nonstop lil chatterbox, but I had to admit it was very refreshing listening to some of the things he could come up with, and instead of talking my ear off with the nonstop questions, he found a new victim his uncle Klayton, but the only downfall with that was Klayton actually listened and encouraged some of his silly ideas, but when Klayton goes a little too far with his imagination I would just thump him on the head and tell him to drop it and stop encouraging that kind of wierdness, that my son had enough to deal with having me as his crazy ass daddy.

Klayton stuck his tongue out at me and said he would just take his nephew to his house and finish their conversation while watching Godzilla movies, eating popcorn and drinking Grape Nehi's. I looked at him and told him to have fun with that, but to make sure he brought my lil man back to the house before his bedtime because that was my snuggle time with my lil man. Klayton lifted Johnny up as they both waved at us and said he would bring him home later. As soon as he was gone I sat back down and told my mom and brothers about all that Kylie said to me about Johnny and finding her sister Kc Lee O'Reilly, and that there was a lot of secrets that she didn't have time to tell me about her family and that if I found Kc, she would tell me the truth, but Kylie wasn't sure if Kc would want to be apart of the family again or claim Johnny as her family, and that it was up to me to find out.

Dimitra was absolutely shocked to hear that, especially after the police and doctor's said that Johnny didn't have any other family, that his mom was it. Costa came out and said he didn't like it at all, because under no circumstances was he going to allow some strange and distant family members come in and take his new nephew away from us because he and the rest of my family were undoubtedly super attached to my new son. I put my hand on my brother's shoulder and assured him that no one would take my son away from me, because I made a promise to Kylie that I would never let anything happen to him and I would love my son until the day I die, and that was one promise I planned on keeping no matter what. But I also gave her my word that I would look for her sister and let her know what happened to her, and give her the option to be in the family.

Then I sort of spaced out for a few minutes, as I asked them if they thought I should take Johnny with me when I searched for his unknown aunt, but before any of them could answer, I answered myself and told them I wasn't going to go without him and that the entire trip was all for him, and that it would be pointless to leave my lil man behind.

As soon as I figured out my plans, I headed up the stairs and packed a couple bags one for me and one for Johnny, then I took a shower and then took a lil nap until Klayton brought my son back so we could have our snuggle TV time before bed. For tomorrow was going to start out bright and early because we had a long journey ahead of us. My brothers told me not to worry about my store's or bar, that they would hold down the fort and talk to Rose and let her know that I was taking a vacation for family business.

Klayton brought my son back and we watched some cartoons until Johnny fell asleep, then I turned off the tube, and snuggled down with him and fell asleep, little did I know that Klayton was snoozing on my sofa waiting around because as soon as he heard of my trip I was going on with Johnny, he told himself that there was no way in hell that he was going to miss out on that trip with us because I would need him even if I didn't want to admit it.

I woke up bright and early that morning and loaded our bags in my car, then made breakfast while my lil man was still sleeping. But Klayton came into the kitchen in his underwear and asked when we were leaving. I thought about his question for a moment, then asked him jokingly where it was he was going because I didn't remember inviting his silly ass. Klayton flipped me off and said he was going with or without my permission. I chuckled lightly as I told him to get dressed then go wake up his nephew and help him with his clothes because breakfast was ready, and as soon as we finished eating and cleaning the kitchen we would be heading out.

Klayton gave me his thumbs up and rushed up the stairs to get his nephew ready while I set the breakfast at the table then sat down and waited for them to get to the table. We ate rather quickly, then we did up the dishes, as soon as they were done Klayton carried Johnny to the car and buckled him in, then we both hopped in with me driving first, and slowly but eagerly pulled out of the driveway and started our journey in search of this one girl named Kc Lee O'Reilly and since she wasn't listed in the yellow pages I knew it was gonna be a lil bit difficult for us to find her, if we found her at all.

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