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Sure enough, the plane landed on the Athens Airstrip at 6:30 in the morning, but the sun was already out and very bright. We, however, weren't so sunny and bright, for we were experiencing major jet lag and all any of us wanted to do was to get to the hotel where we would be staying so would could sleep it off, then, later on, we could enjoy the fun-filled festivities that I had planned for all of us to do. So we all lazily stumbled off the plane and onto our blue cabby service vehicle that would take us to the Grace Santorini Hotel, in Imerovigli Greece. Even though we all were exhausted we couldn't help but admire and take snapshots of the fantastic scenery as we drove past it. Except for Johnny, he was out like a light laying in Kc's and my lap.

It was a somewhat grueling hour and a half ride out to the coast where our hotel was located, but the driver finally managed to get us there. My hands were somewhat full of my suitcase and Johnny, so Sully pulled out the money this time to pay for the ride and to give him a tip. Then we all walked down the colored paved sidewalks up to the main office of the hotel where I showed the nice lady my reservation passes for the already paid rooms, and she, in turn, handed each of us our room keys and had the bellboys take our luggage to our rooms and told us that she hoped we all enjoyed our stay at the hotel and if we had any questions or concerns not to hesitate to come to one of them for assistance.

Once we made it to our rooms, at first we wanted to unpack everything and get settled in first, but we all changed our minds very quickly and instead passed out on our beds with all our luggage still packed and strewn along the floor where we dropped them. After what seemed like only minutes of sleep was actually most of the day. Johnny was the one happy enough to let us know it was time to wake up because he was hungry and very thirsty, and didn't know where the bathroom was and had to go potty. I woke up and showed him where our bathroom was and helped him with the clasps on his Mickey Mouse Coveralls. While he was doing his business, I went to the small fridge to see if it was already stocked with goodies and luckily it was in courtesy of the hotel, so I pulled out a juice box and a couple of cookies for our lil man to munch on until we decided where we were going to be dining at. I couldn't believe I slept so soundly for that long because it was almost time for supper already.

I walked out into the hall of the hotel and noticed that Klayton and Shannon were already wide awake for their door was wide open and they were walking out of the door just as I came out to ask them if they had any preference on where we would eat this evening. Klayton said he didn't care as long as it was filling. Then he ran to Sully's room and pounded on the door and told him to get his short lazy ass outta the bed and get dressed because it was time to rustle up some grub. So after we all were dressed up real nice we shared our opinions on different restaurants and came to the conclusion that we would dine at the Athenian House for it was proclaimed to be the best-rated place to eat in the area.

We all walked out of the hotel in a nice family like group, I was wanting to rent a car for us, but Klayton pointed out an uber vehicle and said it would be more fun and cheaper just to be riding around in comfort and let the locals chauffer us around. I chuckled at my buddies laziness and told him to get his crazy ass in the vehicle beens it was a very large SUV we all hopped in as I clearly asked the driver to take us to The Athenian House, as I was calling the restaurant to make reservations for a table of 6 with a nice alfresco view. By the time we got to the restaurant our table was ready and we even had two server's wait on us, the view was breathtaking, and the service was incredible. Now all that was left to test was the food and beverages to see if they matched the view and service.

One of the waiters came out with a complimentary bottle of sparkling champagne for us and popped the cork and slowly but perfectly served each of us. Then there was a young lady that came around and even served Johnny up with some sparkling grape juice in a fancy child's spill-proof goblet, it was so cute how he reacted to it, he even gave the waitress the dollar bill that he's been saving for so long as a tip. She thought he was so adorable and sweet that she came out after the food was served, and handed him a large ice cream parfait for dessert with extra whipped cream on top and a cherry. 

The food was very amazing, but the warm welcome of the waiters and the love of our friends made it perfect that evening. And to think this was just our first evening of our month long vacation here in gorgeous and ancient Greece, the land where my ancestors came from, the lands of myth and legends, Gods and magical creatures both good and evil. But it was also going to be the very romantic place where I ask Kc the newest love of my life to be mine forever, and I just couldn't wait for that moment to happen, but it was still 12 more days away and to be honest I didn't know if I could wait that long to be hers forever. Because not only was I wanting to merely propose to her here in Greece...I was wanting us to have our wedding here as well. For later on down the line, my mom and brothers would be joining us if I sent them the news saying that she said yes to me.

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