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Two doctor's walked into the tiny room, Johnny and I were waiting in and began to ask me all kinds of questions about how long he's had the fever and if he got this way often, and as I sat there holding my son that was burning up, I was answering dumbass questions that they could figure out themselves if they would just put their hands on his head, or anywhere else on his body for that matter. I was just about to lose my cool with them and tell them to just run some tests on him to see what was wrong with him when Kc came in along with a nurse and showed the doctor his medical files and for the fact that he did have a low T-Cell and B-Cell count on the last blood test they gave him. Which meant if he had any viruses in his body there wouldn't be enough T-Cells to fight them off and make him well again.  

As soon as the doctors read the report completely they took Johnny and me to the back room and began to get some needles and tubes ready to draw some blood, because I guess after they read it, they had somewhat of an idea what could be wrong with him...they just didn't let me know about it. During the long moments of silence as I held onto my son as the doctor extracted three tubes of blood, Kc knelt down on the floor next to me and gently wrapped her hand around mine and told me with her eyes how worried she was, but that she was there for both of us. Klayton was pacing holes in the waiting room floors with Shannon sitting in one of the chairs watching him at the same time as trying to get him to sit down with her because all that pacing wasn't going to make things better or worse.

The doctor had his nurse take the test tubes of blood down to the lab to get them tested then came over to Johnny and handed him two chewables to munch on, he didn't want to accept them, but I told him it was ok for him to take, that they were yummy, as I pretended to take one and chewed it up and swallowed it. Johnny took them and chewed them up and swallowed them, but shortly after all he wanted to do was snuggle up with me and go to sleep. As soon as he was out, the doctor came over to me and told me that the chewables he took would drop his fever in half an hour or so. Then he added that if I had a place to stay for a couple of days he would get the test results back and we could go on from there.

At first, I told him that I didn't, but then looked down at Kc and said that would be fine after I asked her if she wouldn't mind having some company at her house. Kc gave my hand a squeeze and said she would love the company, and it would be much better than any hotel room, and she did have plenty of room in her little cottage, for even though it looked small on the outside it had three bedrooms and two bathrooms on the inside. Then as we both walked out of the room and to where Klayton and Shannon were now sitting down while worrying. I told them it was time to go, and that we were guests at Kc's house for the next few days until Johnny's results came back because they weren't sure yet what was wrong with him, but for now, at least they got his fever down.

Klayton held out his arms for me to hand his nephew to him so I could drive this time as he went into the back seat with Shannon and didn't even bother putting him into his car seat, instead he just held him in his arms. As I drove us back to Kc's house she held onto my other hand while helping me remember the way by pointing when I wasn't sure, which only ended up being twice, which was good for me beens I only been to her place once. I slowly pulled up next to her picket fence and turned off the ignition and looked in the rearview as I asked Klayton how my lil man was doing. But before Klayton could say anything Johnny sat up and poked his head up high so he could see himself in the rearview and slowly said he was thirsty.

Klayton rubbed his head and said it was perfect timing because we were at our stopping area for the night, and he was sure Kc would have some yummies for him to eat and drink inside. Klayton opened the door before I could tell him about Kc's enormous ass dog that was loose at the moment guarding the house. But he found out for himself when he saw the huge black mass running right for him with his teeth showing and his short hair all bristled behind his neck and down his backbone. Klayton held his ground as he held Johnny close to him, and just stared at him, I had to admit there wasn't much Klayton was afraid of, and large aggressive dogs weren't one of them.

Kc hopped out of the car and sternly told him enough and to 'at ease'. The dog stopped, calmed down and sat down right where he was and began to whine happily while wagging his long tail. Kc went around and asked Klayton if he was alright and that she was sorry about her dog, and that he wasn't aggressive, he just wasn't used to very many visitors. Klayton walked to the dog after he handed Johnny to Kc and knelt down and held out his hand to him, then gave him a few rubs behind his ears and said he wasn't at all afraid of dogs. I walked around and followed Kc into the house but stopped and gave the dog a few pats just to show them I wasn't afraid of the dog either, then we went in and tried to relax while Shannon and Kc fixed something for all of us to eat and drink before getting ready to call it a night, I, however, wasn't going to sleep well, because I was going to be up all night watching over my son just to make sure he doesn't go into another fever pitch like he did today.

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