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For the next three days, my mom and family were searching all over Greece for the perfect spot to have our wedding because my mind was made up when we headed back to Vegas Kc was going to be my wife. Klayton was showing me all of the music pieces that he was working on for our wedding, but after hearing the first two pieces I told him I was leaving it totally in his hands with a little help from Sully, because I didn't want the old boring wedding numbers, I wanted it to be totally wild and spontaneous. All the girls were out doing major shopping for wedding decor and their dresses they were going to wear, they wanted to coordinate with each other on styles and colors. Beens we were in Greece and the wedding was going to be done on the beach, I decided to wear a white silk Armani shirt with smoke colored jeans. Kc found a very light and breezy Greek Goddess styled white dress and decided thats the one she wanted to get married in.

Sandy and Rachel did her makeup, while my mom and Kimmy did her hair and laced pretty lil white flowers in her hair. Klayton wore a red Armani shirt and black pants, Jd wore a light blue Armani shirt with blue jeans, Costa wore a mellow yellow Armani shirt with white pants, and Sully wore a black Armani shirt and black jeans. Johnny wanted to wear red like his uncle Klayton which was fine because he looked so cute when he wanted to dress identical to different people at random. Klayton even put some styling gel in Johnny's hair and gave him a similar mohawk like his, I drew the line on dying his hair red though. Klayton snickered at me as he called me a party pooper. 

The one thing that we all noticed about the location that Sandy and my mom picked out for the wedding was that right in the background to where Kc and I would be standing was the temple of Aphrodite the Goddess of love, and my sweet Kc sure did look like a serene goddess in her attire, her happiness of the day even gave her a slight glow, or maybe it was only me that could see it, either way, I was walking on cloud #9 and nothing was going to change that. During the long speech of the wedding, I magically felt the love from all my ancestors and my father's presence was very strong as if he was right beside me with his hand on my shoulder telling me I was doing good, and that he was very proud of me. 

Kc was so ravishing I wasn't sure if I could be man enough to hold back my tears of joy, but I did until after we held hands just before I placed the wedding band in front of the engagement ring, when I heard her say 'I do' the waterworks from me and everyone else officially filled the area...except for our son he was jumping up and down clapping and laughing joyously, for now, his mommy and daddy were officially together. After the ceremony, we joined together and danced together first, then everyone else joined in on our happiness by dancing around us. This was it, my first small taste of heaven, and I never wanted to leave it and by the way Kc looked back at me, I knew she felt the exact same way about me.

Even after the music stopped and everyone else was getting the cake and ice cream served, Kc and I were still dancing with each other. My mom was still in happy tears at how amazing we looked together and at how happy we made each other feel. Our closeness was so strong that everyone felt it when they came around us. Johnny was now sound asleep wearing his mommy's veil on his head curled up in Klayton's arms while he was really getting heavily involved with a lovely girl that sort of crashed the beach wedding party. I strolled over to the concession stand so I could grab Kc and myself a nice cold lemonade when I tapped Klayton on the head and asked him if he was having fun yet, then as I looked at his personal interest I held out my hand to her and asked her for her name.

She very willingly accepted my hand and congratulated me on my marriage and wished me all the best, then she got around to telling me that her name was Shelly Webster and that she was a huge Mindfreak fan. I kissed her hand and gave her a wink as I told her it was ok for her to stick around for the party then. She apologized for crashing my wedding, but she just wanted to join in on her hero's happiness, then she looked at Klayton and added that as soon as she saw big red over here sitting and drinking alone she just had to sit and converse with him, because he looked so pitiful and lonely until she sat down and noticed that he had a cutie pie sleeping in his lap.

I chuckled lightly and told her that the lil cutie pie belonged to me as I leaned down and gently picked him up and told Klayton that he could try to wake his legs up by walking but added he needed to take it slow or he'd land on his face. Klayton snickered as he called me an asswipe, but he managed to get out of the chair and walk around ok. I handed Kc her drink as I told her I was going to take our lil man back to the hotel room so he could sleep in his bed. My mom came up behind me and told me to let her take him because she was getting tired herself and I needed to stay down here with all the guests and finish the evening in celebration of our wedding together. I slowly handed him to her and told her that Kc and I would head over to the room very soon because we were exhausted after all the love and excitement this day brought us, I just couldn't believe it finally happened we were married and it was once again Mr. and Mrs. Sarantakos only this time I was actually married to someone I loved and adored, and she loved and adored me right back and didn't want me for my money or fame.

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