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As Amanda walked away from me I felt her emotions hit me on the inside and I knew why she was so disappointed with me over Johnny and even for a split second I felt a little bit of Kc's pain she felt when her sister took her baby away from her and tossed her in the asylum for looney bins. I snapped out of it and ran up to her again and told her I would like to meet Kc and maybe talk to her if it was possible. Amanda asked me why, without looking back, I stepped around her so she'd be facing me and told her I'd like to get to know her and maybe she and I could come up with an arrangement to where we could share Johnny.

Amanda snickered at me and told me she wasn't going to put Kc thru any more unnecessary pain that she knew I would cause her, even if I didn't mean to and she'd really like it if I would just forget about the whole thing and go back home. Then she stopped again and said she would tell Kc about the death of her sister and so she wouldn't try to hunt for her son she would just tell her that her son died with her sister.

I grabbed her wrist and asked her not to do that, because her son wasn't dead, merely adopted to a different family, that was willing to compromise with her on sharing the responsibility of Johnny. Amanda gave a long and irritating sigh but told me if I wanted to meet Kc that she'd take me and only me to meet her, then after she and I got to know each other more if I wanted to bring up Michael to her it was up to me, and that she didn't want any part of it because she couldn't handle it if Kc had another psychotic breakdown when I took her boy away from her again.

I told her that wasn't going to happen, and after hearing her story thru her and Alisa, I just wanted to do something right, to the best of my ability, then I told her how sorry I was that I didn't have it in me to give him up to her...or anyone for that matter. Amanda showed no further expressions, but she said she understood, because he was a very sweet and adorable little boy and it was plain to see that he loved me and my red mohawked friend as she pointed over to where Klayton was laying on the table sound asleep with Johnny wrapped in his arms laying on his chest.

Alisa and Amanda's family left the park as I was, asking Klayton if he'd take care of Johnny until I got back. For Amanda agreed to take me to meet Kc without bringing up Johnny into the mix until after Kc and I got to know each other better. Klayton slowly sat up from the table, as he shook his head yes to me without speaking so he could let Johnny sleep because it was late and he missed his naptime from all the fun and running he did today. I handed him my car keys, and told him to give me a call when he found the hotel he wanted to be in, and after my meeting was over with, Amanda would bring me back.

Klayton put Johnny into the car, and told me he'd see me, later, then he gave me a hi-five and wished me luck, then he drove off toward town so he could locate a hotel and possibly a place to find some good food. Amanda walked me to her car then headed out of the city and into the country. After she drove me thru a lot of beautiful scenic background roads, she pulled up into a very cute cottage with flowers everywhere.

Amanda asked me to stay in the car so she could talk to her first and so she could put Demon up, because he didn't really like strangers. I looked at her inquisitvely as I restated the name Demon. Just then a huge black dog with yellow eyes jumped on the passenger door growling and barking like he wanted to tear my ass up! Amanda jumped out and grabbed a hold of the large dog's harness and walked him around back and chained him up then went in the house.

I sat in the car until I got so hot I couldn't take it anymore. I removed my shirt and wiped off the sweat that was dripping down my face and neck, then I hopped out of the car so I could stand under the shade tree until Amanda decided to come back out either with Kc, or alone and telling me that Kc didn't want to meet me, or talk to anyone, because from what Alisa told me Kc pretty much kept to herself as a total recluse. That way no one could ever hurt her emotionally again.

But I was in luck because finally after the very long wait, Amanda came out with a very adorable young lady with long, wavy black hair, slender but voluptuous build, and crystal clear blue eyes, that were so light they almost looked gray instead of blue. When I looked directly at her, I knew she was my son's mom, because I could see him in her face, the only difference was Johnny's eyes were brown, probably from his biological father.

Amanda and the girl walked up to me then she introduced Kc to me, I held out my hand to her as I told her my name, but as she touched my hand I could tell she was blushing almost as brightly as Klayton's hair when the sun hit it. Then I snapped out of it and sort of blushed myself for I completely forgot that I took my shirt off earlier, and I was sure she wasn't used to seeing that much of anyone. But I couldn't help but be totally enamored with her irresistible cuteness, now I knew where Johnny got his from.

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