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That first initial touch me and Johnny shared was all it took, for after that moment I knew I would never let him go and I found myself promising him that I would always be there for him, and never let anything happen to him. Even though I was still in the hospital, it was my last day and I just had to wait twenty more minutes for my release papers to clear thru, and I would be home free. So I was standing down in the waiting room right next to the front desk holding Johnny in my arms and rocking him gently back and forth and side to side while I was kissing his forehead, waiting on the damned nurse to give me permission to leave.

As we were waiting I noticed Johnny mindlessly tracing his little fingers up and down my chest on my shirt following the huge scar where me new heart was as he was falling asleep, and I began to feel a little uneasy at wondering what he would think when he was older about his mom dying and me taking her heart so I could live. But the nurse broke my thoughts when she handed me the papers telling me I was free to go home. I thanked her quickly, then made a run for the front door before they thought of something to make me stay another minute. 

I thought I would see my family waiting for me in the parking lot to take me home, beens I was told that the car I was driving was totaled in the wreck. But instead, I was blessed by Klayton's presence. He was standing next to his souped-up Dodge Challenger, with his eyes covered with his sunglasses, he gave me a wild ass grin and asked me if I could use a lift, and that Costa told him that my car was buried a few weeks ago. I really loved my oldest and closest buddy, but sometimes he was a real shithead. Johnny was now sound asleep and my arms were getting numb and tingly from holding him that long, so I slid in the passenger seat of his car and told him I really needed to go home.

Klayton gently rubbed Johnny's head before he shut my door for me and slid in behind the wheel, and pulled out and headed to my home, Serenity. For most of the ride home I stayed very quiet but got tired of hearing the stupid thoughts running thru my brain, so I asked him jokingly what all I missed in the time I was playing sleeping beauty. Klayton chuckled halfheartedly and said that I missed him getting married and getting divorced, and I missed his Scandroid album going platinum ranking #2 in the top 10 best albums of the year. Then he slapped me and said I missed his fucking birthday last week. Then he gave a deep sigh and said that I also missed helping him thru the loss of Godzilla passing away.

I put my hand on his shoulder and told him how sorry I was for his loss, and that Godzilla was a very good dog. Klayton gave a sigh and said yes he was, but he was very old and lived a very happy life with him. Then Klayton changed the subject and said with mild humor that I also missed out on my fiance marrying some other bastard. I looked at him as I asked what in the hell did he just say! Klayton handed me the newspaper that had my fucking fiance Belinda Peregrine getting married to some Olympic Swimmer! I couldn't fucking believe that shit! Wait, yes I could, I was on my death bed, why wouldn't the love of my life move on without me, instead of stay by my side and waiting for me to come back to her.

I tossed the paper in the floor and stepped all over it as I told him I didn't give a fuck, that none of that mattered because I had all I ever needed, I have my family, my friends, and now I have a son. I looked at Klayton as he pulled up in my parking lot and asked him if he knew that I had a son as I rubbed Johnny's head as he slept. Klayton chuckled as he asked me who in the hell did I think helped take care of him while I was in the hospital, then he showed me tons of pictures of him and Johnny having all kinds of fun. Then he added very proudly that he was Johnny's uncle and godfather. I hopped out of the car and carried Johnny to our front door and told Klayton like hell he was and that I was the daddy, and I never made any arrangements for my deranged and demented best friend being any relative at all to my son.

Klayton slapped me on the head and said he wasn't asking me, he was commanding. I used my free hand and thumped his lips and told him to shut up because my son was trying to rest. Klayton peeled Johnny out of my arms and took him upstairs to his bedroom and put him to bed and turned on his night light, then he came back down really wanting to argue with me, but as soon as I hit the sofa I was sound asleep, so happy to be under my own roof again. Klayton snickered to himself as he carried my ass to my bedroom and said this argument wasn't over with yet, and that he would win it...then he added that for being in that fucking hospital for so long he thought I would lose some weight, but I was really fucking heavy, then he playfully but gently plopped me in my bed and tossed a blanket over me, then he mindlessly crashed beside me and we all took a much needed relaxing and restful sleep.

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