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The emergency services were working hastily to get everyone untangled from the wreckage, they honestly thought we all were dead, until they heard a slight groan from one of us, and was in turn immediately rushed to the hospital for the slight chance of keeping us alive. Out of the three of us, the lil boy was amazingly in the best condition and had only minor scrapes and bruises. But they were gonna keep him there until they knew more about the other two accident victims.

Sadly the young mother didn't make the journey to the hospital and passed away. I made it to the hospital and up to the emergency operating table, for I was really fucked up from the wreck, and they didn't know where to begin on fixing me, and I even died twice while they were putting me back together. But it was under such dire emergency, they didn't have the time to check the ICE contacts on my phone to get my family's permission. But when they did call my family they assured them that if they hadn't done what they did they would've been burying me right now instead of rolling me into the recovery ICU room.

Dimitra asked thru her tears for the doctor to tell her everything he knew about my condition, and what my chances were on surviving this. The doctor told her all they did to put me back together again, and said after I was past my crisis point, I would definitely be ok, but it would just take time. My mom and brothers gave a sigh of relief knowing I wasn't going to leave them.

Then the doctor told them about the other victim from the wreck and that she didn't make it, but her lil boy did, and after a lot of police investigation, they were informed that the lil boy had no other kin, and the only option they had was putting the poor lil tyke into Foster Care, so child services could rehome him. Dimitra looked at me thru the glass window, then looked at the lil boy that was currently being carried down the hallway by an officer, and quickly asked if it was possible for them to have him, because she knew that's what I would do if I wasn't unconscious in a hospital bed fighting for my life.

The doctors and officers put their heads together and along with some paperwork, they managed to gain temporary custody of the lil boy. For they weren't going to make it permanent, until I was awake, so I could be apart of the decision making. But until that time, JD took him home with him so he, his wife Lynn, & his 16-year-old daughter Dimi could take care of him and give him a loving family environment. But after all the trauma the lil boy experienced, he stopped talking at all, and no one really knew his name, and he never had his name on file at any hospital, and when the police searched thru the deceased mother's apartment, they couldn't find any document with the child's name on it, and his birth certificate was nowhere to be found.

So Dimitra decided she was going to give him a name, because she couldn't stand anything being without a name and without history or background for the little guy to remember when he gets older, so after she and her older boys made it back to Costa's house she told them from now on the little guy's name was going to be Johnny Crisstopher. JD and Costa thought that after a few days maybe the boy would come around and want to talk or smile or play, but even after three weeks he never said a word or even showed the least bit of emotion. Dimitra said until he came around and started crying and letting all his little emotions out, he was going to be an empty void, and deep down she was really starting to worry about the poor, sweet baby and thought about taking him to a professional to help wake his emotions up and get him out of the state of shock he was still in.

Every day for two months now, my family came down to the hospital to visit me for two to three hours until the nurses would run them off, and still there was no sign of me waking up from the deep comatic state I was in, JD once thought that maybe due to the impact of the crash it damaged me too much internally for me to wake up from, but he quickly erased that thought from his mind before saying it out loud to his mom and other brother. All my external wounds were healed up now, all except the huge scar on my chest where they had to go in a couple times for my heart, it was the only wound that was still in the process of healing. 

I have now been in the hospital for 1 whole year, and my family was visiting me again. Costa tried to make the conversation a little more positive about me by telling my mom and JD that all my color in my skin and face has come back, and I was looking more lively today then I was last week. Thankfully, Johnny was wanting to play with toys and listen to my mom read him bedtime stories and be held a lot, but he still hasn't gotten around to wanting to talk, or show his emotions and until he started laughing and crying he was still medically in his mind in that state of shock from the trauma...and every day my family was praying for two miracles to happen...first being me waking up and coming home, and secondly, that Johnny snaps out of the traumatic stress he was in inside his mind. 

Later that night after my family left the hospital and the nurses put fresh IV's in my arm, and finished my bed bath, my mind began to motivate my body, and I began to breathe a little more heavily, and I started to flitter my eyes a little as I slowly opened them and mindlessly searched the entire area around me wondering where in the hell I was, and why I was hooked up to so much electronic shit and IV's. But when I slowly sat up in the bed all the alarms went off, and I was instantly surrounded by night nurses and the main surgeon that did all the surgeries on me...the doctor quickly called my family and stated that Criss Angel was finally awake!

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