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Klayton was up with the fricking birds this morning hustling about the hotel like his ass was on fire, then when he came into my room he looked at me with the silliest look on his face and asked me when I got married. I opened my eyes and looked to where he was and saw Kc wrapped around me this time, and sometime during the night we both managed to get out of our night clothes and was sleeping in our underwear. I quickly pulled the covers over us both so Johnny wouldn't wake up and see us like that, then I reached down on the floor searching for my clothes with my hands as I told Klayton not to say a fucking word. Kc gave a slight moan and stretch as she opened her eyes and with a beautiful smile, she said good morning to both of us.

After I got my shirt on I rolled over toward her and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek and told her morning right back, then I got out of bed and found her clothes and handed them to her as I pointed to our lil man that was moving around like he was going to be up very soon. She sat up quickly and got her clothes on as I went into the bathroom to wash the sleep off. Kc was up now and in the other room talking with Shannon, asking her how her night was, and what she thought of my friend Klayton. Shannon snickered as she looked around Kc and watched Klayton put his jeans on then headed out the door to load the car up, and then told her how crazy she was about him, and that he was asking her off and on all night about going back to Vegas with him.

Kc gave her a hug as she told her that was a very good idea and how happy she was for her, then she said she was going to be going to Vegas as well with me and Johnny, and that I was willing to give it a try with her in a relationship, that way she could be with her son, without me taking him away from her. Shannon jumped up and down on the bed with her as they giggled happily with each other as they told each other that they definitely got lucky by catching two very good looking guys that liked them. But the truth of the matter was Kc hasn't been in any kind of relationship since James died right after Johnny was born and was really excited about having those old feelings come around again and just to have the thought of being in love again.

Now I, on the other hand, have been in several relationships but none of them amounted to anything, but after my accident, I only made time for Johnny and put my dating shoes up for the time being. But I had to admit when I looked at Kc, I was really wanting to put those shoes on real quick, because it was the best of both worlds, I could have a lovely girl with me, and it would be perfect for Johnny because she was his biological mom, and Kc wanted nothing more than to be with her son again, and dating me was the perfect way to get just that, along with a bonus of having me as a boyfriend, and maybe something even more a little later on down the line. 

Johnny was now wide awake but was still laying on his bean bag, I knelt down to him and asked him if he felt like getting up yet. When I didn't get a response from him I leaned over and felt his head and asked him if he was alright, but when I touched his head and realized how hot it was I knew he wasn't feeling well at all. I quickly lifted him up and wrapped his blankie around him and hollered to Klayton telling him to get the car ready, because we needed to get to a hospital right away, that my lil man was burning up with fever!

Kc and Shannon quickly hopped in the car with us and told Klayton the right directions to get to the best children's hospital around. As soon as we pulled up in the vacant lot, I was out of the door holding my son and running into the hospital with Kc and Shannon right on my heels. Klayton came in as soon as he parked and locked the car. I told the charge nurse at the front desk that it was an emergency and that my son was burning up with fever and was awake but unresponsive. The nurse handed me a folder full of paperwork that I needed to do and said it would have to wait beens I wasn't from around here, then I would have to wait longer because they didn't have my son's records or knew anything about his medical history. I was getting really pissed off when they refused to see him, for every minute wasted my lil man could really be sick and need serious medical attention and they wanted to give me the runaround.

I pulled out my wallet and handed them a medical credit card, and told them to insert it into their computer, that it had all my son's medical information in it. The nurse handed it to one of the doctor's and told me I would still have to fill out the paperwork. Kc and Klayton took the paperwork and told me they would fill it out because Klayton knew everything about Johnny as I did, and Kc knew when he was born, his social security number, and his blood type. I walked into one of the private rooms one of the nurses led me to and I sat down with Johnny nestled in my lap and starting to whine and cry slightly because he knew where he was and he hated hospitals just as much as I did. I rocked him gently back and forth as I told him everything was going to be just fine and that I wouldn't let anyone hurt him. Little did I know that after this hospital visit, it was going to change all of our lives forever.

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