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I quickly pulled my shirt out of my back pocket and slid it on as I apologized. Kc looked down at her feet as she said I had nothing to apologize for, then added with a little humor but major honesty and said that I looked good without my shirt on. Her modesty was very refreshing for a girl that was supposedly a recluse and shy. It was my turn to blush slightly but I thanked her and offered to remove it again if she preferred me shirtless.

Amanda told me not to by shaking her head at me but Kc caught her and I both off guard as she said she would definitely prefer it. I quickly peeled my shirt off again just to make her happy. Kc smiled at me then asked me what she had the pleasure of meeting me for, then changed the subject again and asked me if I was married or single and available. I couldn't believe it she was actually making a interesting pass at me.

So instead of ignoring her question, I jokingly sat down beside her and gave a famous yawn stretch and placed my arm around her shoulder as I told her I was very single and available. Kc snickered as she moved in closer to me and asked me why a handsome man like me was a swinging single. I chuckled at her comical relief as I told her that I just haven't found the right girl, that would love me for me and not my money or celebreality. Then I gave her a slight squeeze and asked her why a beautiful girl like herself was being a lil miss hermit.

Our connection was very instant and we liked each other a lot. But I had to tell her the real reason I came there, so there was no sense in waiting any longer to tell her. I cleared my throat and told her that I was there because I made a promise to her sister Kylie that I would find her, and tell her that she was very sorry for what she did to her, and that maybe her death would make up for her crimes she's done to her. Then I held onto her hand and told her that Kylie was killed in a car wreck that I was involved with, then I pointed to the scar she's been staring at off and on, and told her that after her passing the surgeons removed her heart and placed it in me so that I could live.

Kc gently placed her hand on my chest and touched the scar, when I felt her soft and gentle touch on my skin, my insides felt like they were going to burst into flames. She was so cute! She looked up at me as a few tears formed in her eyes and asked what happened to the little boy that was with her. I cleared my throat a little bit as I hesitated about telling her, but it had to be done, so I slowly told her that he was alive and well, and beens in Kylie's records it showed no next of kin, after I got out of the hospital, I adopted him.

Then I told her that me and my family loved him very much. Kc had a strong look of relief on her face, as she said she was so happy to hear that her son was alright. Then she quickly asked me if he was with me so that she could see him because she missed him very badly. I must have had an angry look on my face because she quickly added that she would never try to take him away from me, beens I had him for so long and took such good care of him, it was she just really wanted to see him.

I gave her a insecure smile and told her that he was very close, staying with his uncle Klayton, and if she really wanted to see him he could get her friend to take us to the hotel where they were staying. Kc got extremely excited as she jumped in my arms and thanked me for the chance to see her lil Micheal. I choked slightly again and told her beens no one knew his name he gave him the name Johnny Crisstopher. At first I thought she was going to be upset over changing his name, but she kept smiling and told me that it was such a sweet name, and that she never really liked the name Micheal, but she chose that name because her late husband wanted to name him.

Amanda came around from the back yard and asked if I was ready to head out because she had to get home so she could get a late supper started for her hubby and child, if the didn't get tired of waiting for her and order takeout instead. I opened the door for Kc, then hopped in myself and thanked Amanda for bringing me out there to meet Kc because it was definitely worth it. Amanda just sighed without saying one word...I guess she didn't think much of our meeting, either that or she was just having a bad evening. But I knew the reality of it was she was just insecure about me flirting with Kc because she was so timid and used to being away from civilization after she was released from the psychiatric hospital.

Kc and I had a very funny and colorful conversation though, and I was really starting to like her a lot more than I thought I would and by the way she was talking with me, I think maybe she really liked me too. Amanda interrupted our conversation, by asking which hotel I needed to go to. I looked to the, right, then to the left at both hotels until I spotted my car, then I pointed her in the right direction as I was hoping like hell the meeting would work out for all three of us.

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