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We were traveling thru the Parthenon when Klayton got a phone call from Costa letting him now that they were now at the hotel where we were staying and just got settled in, so we could come and get them for the special moment. But Klayton was in one of his pissy moods because he and Shannon weren't seeing eye to eye at the moment and took it out on Costa, not that it was any surprise to me because they were always butting heads even when they were in good moods, for they were the same age and I guess they were jealous of each other over being the best brother to me, which was utterly ridiculous, but talking to them when they were like that was like running my head into an oak post or a brick wall.

Sandy and Kc tried talking with Shannon to get her to apologize to him and make amends so he wasn't such a shithead the entire day, but she was almost as stubborn as Klayton was about it. Even though we all knew she was in the wrong this time, and Klayton didn't deserve her behavior toward him at all...this time. Costa hung up on his ass and called Sully instead and asked him if he would come and get them because they had no idea where we were, or how to get to us. Sully snickered as he told him that he and Sandy would be there asap, then they could join in on the fun of the trail riding with Klayton and Shannon's bickering, and then in between times, they might be able to enjoy the sights.

After Sully put his phone away he turned his horse around and told Sandy they needed to head back and pick up some special guests then rejoin the loving group on the trail. I stopped and turned my horse around with Johnny riding in front of me as I let him hold onto the reins, I said that would be silly going all the way back just to try and catch up with us at the end of the trail, so instead we all headed back, so we could just have fun altogether doing something else before my surprise proposal this evening. Klayton took the lead now wanting to stay away from Shannon and ignore her ass completely, for he could only take so much before he would crack and say fuck it, and move on, and sadly that's what he was doing now, I warned Shannon that if she kept her shit up she would lose him, but she didn't believe me...now he didn't want anything more to do with her ass. 

It was safe to say that Shannon wouldn't be with us any longer during this vacation and Klayton would once again be a swinging single. When we made it to the hotel, we were greeted by my mom, two brothers, and their two other halves Rachel and Kimmy. Johnny took his turns crawling into each of there arms hugging and kissing, then he went right back to his uncle Klaytons arms and stayed with him, so he could keep him occupied after ditching Shannon. My mom gave Klayton an extra hug and told him not to worry for there was plenty of other ladies out there that would love to have him and be smart enough to never let him go, because he was a very rare and shiny diamond in the rough, and was very special and irreplaceable. 

Klayton thanked her, but still had his doubts but he told himself that he wasn't going to spoil the day for me and Kc so he got into his happy mode and told us all that we were a wasting daylight and we needed to kick up some dust if we were going to enjoy it before it was gone. Then he ran to the vehicle with Johnny clinging onto his neck for dear life as we all got into silly character and raced off after him. So for the next couple hours, we enjoyed visiting all the ruins of the Greek Gods and the museum that was dedicated to mythology which was a lot more interesting than I thought it would be. Johnny was getting mighty grumpy now that it was later and he was fighting off his sleepiness.

Kc offered to take him from Klayton, but he pulled him closer to him and said he was good and could handle his nephew even in his grumpy phases as he kissed his forehead. We all loaded up into the vehicle one last time for our last stop, which was going to be it...the special place for my moment. I was so excited all day not wanting to wait for the moment to come, and now that it was here...I was fucking getting arctic cold feet, and wanting to call it off and just give her the ring when we were alone instead of publicly. I couldn't believe it I was acting like a puss, being nervous, and I don't get nervous like that. Klayton slapped me on the back of the head and told me to get on the damn boat with Kc and do what I came to do, or he would go psycho on my ass and beat the shit out of me.

For the bad mood that he was in most of the day, I knew he was serious about kicking my ass, so I ran and jumped in the boat and playfully hid behind Kc and told her he was trying to beat me up. I thought she would protect me but instead she caught us all off guard and said that was one fight she would love to see which made JD and Costa both laugh, because no one knew if I would have even the slightest chance of winning, even though I was a scrapper and strong, but Klayton was just a little more aggressive than I was, and he loved fighting, me I was more of the lover type and tried to avoid fights or scare them without physical violence. 

But now we were all on our separate little self-propelled boats traveling down the very gorgeous waters and scenery of the underground cave with exotic plant life and flowers everywhere...then I recognized the exact spot I wanted to propose was in the exact center where the rainbow was directly over us with the mist of the waterfall kissing our skin. Kc was looking out taking photos with her camera, when I touched her hand to catch her attention, then she slowly turned to face me as she put the camera down while everyone on the boats was all around us looking right at us.

I hesitated slightly before I pulled out the velvet box and slowly asked her if she would do me the incredible honor of marrying me. Kc stared deep into herself for a moment not saying one word but the emotions on her face and the tears in her eyes was showing me her feelings, then out of nowhere she jumped into my arms and said yes over and over again...after I placed the ring on her finger all of our family and friends cheered wildly...then to make the evening perfect our boat flipped over and Kc and I were in the water, but I didn't care I was happy and Kc was finally mine...and Johnny's.

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