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I slipped out of the car then ran around to the other side and opened the door for Kc to step out, but she sort of pulled back into the car. I looked down at her as I asked her what was wrong, but when I looked to where her eyes were locked, I answered my own question. Klayton was standing in the doorway in his underwear staring at her with a not so happy look on his face. I told her it was alright and that Klayton just looked like a mean ass intimidating shithead, but in all reality, he was the biggest and most lovable goofball on the planet. On that note, Kc slowly slid out of the car and followed me over to where he was standing.

I pulled my sunglasses down and jokingly asked him if he was really trying to turn on all the girls staying at the hotel, or if he woke up dazed and confused again and couldn't remember where he took them off at. Klayton gave me his pissed off grin and told me to kiss his tattooed ass, and that he knew damned good and well where he left his pants, then he added very quickly that he was just too damned hot to wear them. I chuckled lightly at him, then changed the subject and asked him where my lil man was and how he was doing. Klayton pointed into the room and said he was wiped out after he played with him all evening, then gave him his bath after they pigged out on pizza and ice cream sandwiches.

I walked around him and went into the room and peeked in at my son. Klayton walked over to Kc and began checking her out while he walked all the way around her a couple times, but he still had a slightly angry look on his face. I walked back out of the room and saw the insecure look on Kc's face, then I slapped him on the back of his head and told him to stop making her uncomfortable because it wasn't nice. Klayton stuck his pierced tongue out at me and said he wouldn't have to act like a mean ass if I would tell him that she wasn't going to be taking his nephew away from us. I looked at him as I inquisitively asked "us"...but before I could get another word in, Kc looked down and told him that she didn't have any intentions of taking him from me or anyone because he found a family and a home that loved him and takes excellent care of him.

Klayton instantly got off his hi-horse and gave her a loving smile and said it was all good now, then he shook her hand and placed a kiss on it as he said it was nice meeting her, then he half-assed pranced back into the room as he told me he would put some pants on. Kc didn't have anything to say as she kept looking at me then back to the door that my crazy ass blood brother had just pranced thru. I told her that Klayton was an island to himself, and nothing could ever change him, and that to know him was to love him. Kc smiled at me and said he looked and acted like he was a handful to handle. Klayton pushed his head out the door and around the corner and told her that he was too hot to handle and too cold to hold, and he didn't know or want to be any other way.

I jokingly pushed him out of the way and told him I needed to wake my son up, so she could meet her son for the first time since he was taken away from her, and I was sure she didn't want to waste any more time by listening to his crazy shits. Then I gently placed my hand on hers and walked her into the room and pointed to the bed where Johnny was sound asleep holding onto his stuffed BeLieve bunny that I gave him when I first adopted him. Kc walked timidly walked over to the edge of the bed and stared down at him with such love in her eyes it was hard for me to keep from getting a little emotional. She sat down but instead of waking him up she just gently rubbed his forehead as tears trickled down her cheek.

I slid on the other side of him and was about to wake him up, but she touched my hand and asked me not to, and that she could see him when he wakes up on his own and that the lil guy needed his rest. Klayton came in and plopped in the bed next to Johnny and said it was his bedtime too because he has been up since before the birdies, and he just knew he would be the designated driver during most of this trip, so he needed his beauty sleep too. Then he shooed us both away from the bed and told me that my bed was in the other room as he pointed me to the door.

Kc looked at me as I went into the second room in the hotel suite and playfully fluffed up the pillow then took a wild dive on the bed as I told her she was more than welcome to stick around if it didn't make her too insecure or uncomfortable laying close to me as I sheepishly patted the empty spot beside me. Kc stood there for a few minutes then she looked out the window and noticed Amanda left the hotel already, then she gave a little sigh, and walked around to the empty spot on the bed and removed her shoes and slid in next to me and curled up beside me and told me goodnight. As she lay there that close to me I smelt the sweet aroma of her perfume and shampoo from her hair, and it took every ounce of strength I had to keep myself from seducing her. But I just closed my eyes real tight as I rolled over and gently wrapped my arm around her waist and went to sleep instead.

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