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After I paid for all day bracelets for all three of us we waited for Klayton to make it over to us which I had to admit was a magical feat all in itself for as crowded as it became almost instantly. I slapped the bracelet on him then we walked with Johnny securely in between us with us holding each of his hands. Johnny was so excited just by seeing all the things to do while being there. There were many animals to pet and look at, but there was also a food court, a huge fun park, and water park for people that wanted to swim with their dolphins, belugas, or seals, they had.

I knelt down so Johnny could hear me over the crowd and asked him what he would like to do first. Johnny gave a slight squeak as he pointed to the baby elephant that had a saddle on him, then he pulled us both over the elephant wanting to pet and ride him. The trainer walked up to Johnny and said his name was Timba as he gently lifted Johnny up and placed him securely in the saddle, and gave Timba a few clicking noises and he began to walk around in the enclosed pen. It was worth all the money in the world to see and hear my lil man so happy.

Klayton was smiling and waving back at Johnny but most of his attention was flirting with one of the beautiful lady workers. Even after Johnny's elephant ride was over he still wanted to pet him and feed him peanuts. The trainer chuckled as he told me Timba made a new best friend. I finally got him interested in checking out the other animal exhibits, and walking thru the petting zoo, where they kept the baby goats, sheep, pigs, alpacas, and they even had a  baby jackass, which was probably the cutest baby animal out there with those long ears sticking straight out.

Klayton picked the reptile house to check out next, where we, learned about pythons, monitor lizards, giant tortoises, alligators & crocodiles. Johnny didn't really like the big mean dragons as he called them, but he enjoyed riding on the giant turtle. It was almost noon but we wanted to get thru with the bird aviary before heading to the food court for lunch. It was quite comical when I noticed Klayton and I had a new follower...you know the girl Klayton was flirting with, well she decided that she really liked him back and now no matter how hard he tried he just couldn't shake her off his scent, I thought it was hilarious.

Just to add to his troubles, I invited her to join us for lunch, after getting to know her she ended up being a very sweet and nice girl. Her name was Sara Reynolds and she worked at the food court but was just enjoying her day off. Klayton was really beginning to think his flirting finally turned on him and now he was going to be stuck with this girl, I had to admit she was stuck to him like glue, but it was his own damned fault for teasing and flirting with every pretty girl that came along. But for some strange reason, Johnny didn't seem to like her at all, but he didn't show it for very long because he was putting all of his thoughts on the animals and the fun rides we would be hitting next.

Luckily for Klayton Sara's sister, Tanya came over to see her flirting and hanging on him like she owned him and told her it was time to go back to the house, so she could have dinner ready for her kids and husband when they got home, but before they left she handed Klayton a piece of paper with her phone number on it then kissed him on the cheek. I playfully slid my finger across my other finger as I told him shame on him for doing that to that girl, knowing fully damned well he was never going to call her, because after she left, he put the phone number in his mouth, chewed it up then spit it back out on the ground.

We both changed our train of thought when we both noticed at the same time that Johnny was nowhere to be found! We both spun wildly in circles hollering out loudly for him, and when he didn't answer us we split up and began the frantic search for my lil man that was lost somewhere in this very fucking huge zoo/fun park, where lots of whackos were just out there waiting for an opportunity to kidnap and or hurt a poor lost baby. Klayton even grabbed some of the worker's from the park and showed them picture's of Johnny so they could help locate him. I grabbed a police officer and asked for his help as well after I showed him a photo of him.

The manager of the park even locked down the entire facility and said no one was to leave or come in until the little boy was found and back with me. I even had a few families of strangers offer to help find my son sometimes people really surprised me with their love and consideration to total strangers. Hours went by and still no sign or visual came from my son, and I really began to panic and worry about his safe return to me. Then as if time stood still just for a split second, it became deathly silent except for one lil boy's laughter from a distance. I spun around to where the sound was coming from and just like magic, there my lil man was cradled in the arms of a very beautiful, even if I do say so myself... a young woman wearing a Godsmack spaghetti strap shirt and some Daisy Duke cut-off shorts. My heart finally relaxed and I was able to breathe again as I hollered at Klayton and told everyone that he was found!

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