Grumpy beginnings...

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I HAD NO IDEA HOW I ENDED UP IN THIS STINKY ALLEY WITH A BLOODIED STRANGER who was staring at me like he expected me to start a musical number with Unicorns and dolphins at seeing his face. He even scoffed when I said I didn't knew him. The audacity of his ass!

We were staring uncomfortably at each other for like a century, I kept a firm grip on the trashcan lid which I was using as a shield to protect myself .

yeah, i learned this exclusive defense move from Steve-i-love-him-so-much-Rogers aka Captain America and there was no way in hell I wasn't going to use it.

I mean how many times in your life do you get the opportunity to use the classic move of the first Avenger.

Okay, back to the situation at hand, I stared back at the stranger "try to hurt me and you will regret it"

"Yeah right" he stepped forward, plugging the lid off my hand and tossed it behind him. well that didn't go as I planned.

I gulped "s-stop"

In a instant my back was pushed to the concrete wall and his body was pressed on me "I-i-i" oh God if i die please stuff the heaven with chocolates.

" will you shut up and listen to me" he hissed causing to clamp my mouth shut.

"See you are cute when you keep that mouth of yours shut"

He continued when I didn't answer "there are people after me and I need a place to hide for sometime, can you help me"

I pushed him but that didn't had any effect on him, he sighed and took a step back.

"How can I trust you, I mean you could be a serial killer for all I know" I said crossing my arms.

He took a deep breath and reasoned "if I am a serial killer then why haven't I killed you yet"

I opened my mouth to answer but stopped when I heard loud noises from somewhere near

"shit they are here".

My eyes snapped at him "you weren't lying"

"You figured that out pretty quickly" his voice was dripping with sarcasm but I ignored  him and grabbing his hand i pulled us through the back door of the cafe I work in.

Quickly locking the door i slumped against it "why are they after you"

"You really are thick, ain't you"

I wanted to kick him but stopped when I saw his muddy shoes"Oh my God"

"What" he was on his feet instantly shoving me behind him as he looked for potential threat, and he called me thick🙄.

"Your shoes get them off, Mrs Adams will kill me"

He looked at me as if I have grown tentacles.

I glared at him.

"jeez calm down" he said pulling his shoes off.

but then my eyes fell on his wounds, I cannot afford to have blood on the floor, i'll end up scrubbing it all night also the fact that he might be in pain was nagging me a little, Very little!

" I will get the first aid kit" he nodded not really paying attention to me while typing something on his phone.

he was talking to someone on his phone and eating a chocolate cupcake when I returned.

Bullocks, he is eating Mrs Adams special cupcakes which she makes only for Mr Adams when she wants him to buy something for her and seeing my world renowned love of chocolate, she will suspect it's me.

I opened my mouth to lash him but before I could say anything he stuffed the rest of the cupcake in my mouth, silencing me.

"Where am I, red" he asked after few seconds

"Little egg cafe" i answered with a mouthful of cake.

chuckling, he repeated what I said in his phone "little egg cafe,I want a car in five" and ended the call.

" you going to use that" he pointed at the first aid box in my hand.

I nodded.

He sat crosslegged on the floor and I bent over so I could get a look at the cut above his brow and I have to accept even though I hate him so much, that boy he had one handsome face, his hair was a dark mess which somehow looked amazing and assents with his tanned skin and boy his eyes, they where the most beautiful colour of blue, I have ever seen.

All in all, he looked like a male model drooled over in magazines.

"If You are are done ogling, I have a wound that needs to be attended" he said, his lips turned up in amusement.

"I wasn't ogling you" I said putting ointment on cotton and dabbing his wound.

Really. My subconscious taunted me,she can be a bitch sometimes.

"You were"

"Were not"

"The way you were looking at me a second ago, said many other things"

I pursed my lips and dabbed the cotton a little too hardly.

"Ow" he glared at me.

I smirked.

he stood up and grabbed nearest bag of flour and emptied it on my head.

I coughed and shook my head trying to get the flour out of my eyes and hair, the moment I could open my eyes I gave a war cry and jumped on him pulling his hair but he tackled me easily and shoved me to the wall, pinning my hand above my head, his breath tickling my nose.

Holy cow, his face is too close!!!

Look at him he's all small and dangly yet so brave

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Look at him he's all small and dangly yet so brave.
He's my inspiration💛 all the misery, pain and suffering he went through made him even more kind.
I hope I would grow up to be like him, not a super soldier but a woman who would be very kind to everyone in need and also someone who never gives up on what's right.

Hi sweethearts...
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Who do you think bloody man, is?
Also if you are wondering what "Redcrest" is.
It's the name of the capital of Lahyana.
Don't forget to vote and share the story with your friends.
I'll try to update soon

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