ways to tell your husband that you're pregnant

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I know I said that there won't be any more chapters but then I got this idea and I had to write it.
So enjoy...
...and don't forget to vote and comment ☺️

Babies are bits of stardust, blown from the hand of God.


'How to tell your husband that you're pregnant' I sighed looking at myself in the mirror.

"I'm pregnant" NO, too direct!

"How will you feel if someone calls you dad" ughh too cheesy.

"I think something's in my stomach" Ew.

I took a deep breath "Aaron I am pregnant"

I turned when I heard something fall on the floor to see my husband standing in the doorway his eyes wide and his mouth in an perfect 'O' I gulped and looked down to see his phone on the floor.

Aaron walked to me as I knitted and unknitted my fingers nervously, he lifted my chin making me look in his eyes "is it true" he asked softly.

I nodded and he closed his eyes and mumbled something inaudible looking up"I know it's little early, we have been married for a year and I'm nineteen and you're-"  Aaron smashed his lips to mine and kissed me passionately.

"I'm going to be dad" he said happily as he picked me up in his arms and twirled us.

He placed  me on our bed and sat on the floor so that he was eye level to my stomach. Aaron put his hand on my stomach, his eyes were glistening when he looked up at me and every doubt I had was replaced by this warm feeling in my heart.

"We'll name her Amore" he said kissing my forehead.


"I know it's a girl" he said rubbing my belly gently making me laugh, I swathed his hand away "leave, it tickels" my eyes widened as a evil smirk came on his face.

"No"I said backing on the bed as he hovered over me with a predatory smile on his face.


"It doesn't have chocolate cookies" I said looking at the ice cream bowl in Aaron's hands.

He sighed "darling I have added extra syrup to make up for it" .

"But I specifically asked for chocolate ice cream with chocolate chips and cookies" I pouted.

" Babe don't you think eating that much chocolate would be bad for our baby" he said putting his hand on my stomach.

"Don't tell me what to do" I answered angrily.

Aaron crouched in front of my big stomach and muttered "mommy is behaving like a cranky old lady" I gasped.

Aaron stood and started walking backwards while I searched for something to kill him.

I grabbed a thick book making Aaron run, the book crashed to the door a second later Aaron ran out of it.


"Amore" Aaron whispered as he handed me my little baby girl.

She looked like a angel wrapped up in a white blanket, tears came in my eyes watching the little ball of happiness.

The fact that she looked the least like me didn't even budge a inch of affection I felt for her.

Amor had her father's striking blue eyes and her grandmother's golden hair.

I looked up and my eyes met my husband's he too had tears in his eyes as he watched us.

He kissed my forehead and murmured "our daughter" i didn't knew the smile I had on my face could grow bigger but it did as I heard those words.

"Our beautiful princess Amore".


"Aurora opened her eyes just as the prince kissed her" my daughter locked her enchanting blue orbs with my chocolate brown one's

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"Aurora opened her eyes just as the prince kissed her" my daughter locked her enchanting blue orbs with my chocolate brown one's.

I continued reading under her intense gaze "...and they lived happily ever after".

I closed the book and sighed "happy" Amore made me read the entire book saying that she can't sleep without knowing the ending " Now go to sleep".

She scrunched her face "No"

"Lead me this" I smiled when she said lead instead of read but gasped when she pulled out another fat book from under her blanket.

"Amore no, it's already way past your bedtime"

"But I don't want to sleep" she said yawning.

She pouted when I didn't open the book "Daddy" Ah there you go daddy's girl, I laughed when I saw Aaron sleeping on the arm chair.

Aaron woke up when Amore kept calling him "what is it, that my princess needs" he cooed as he came to us and sat on Amor's bed.

"Mommy is not leading me book"

Aaron looked at me and I gave him a warning look.

He shrugged and gave me a look which said 'she got your genes, nerd'

I sighed and looked back at Amor finding that she already passed out.

A smile graced my features as I saw her peaceful form, her father kissed her forehead and switched off the lights as we made our way out of her room.

Hey again I just wanted to inform you that I will write another chapter and maybe announce the sequel too.

So stay tuned💛.

So stay tuned💛

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