picnic with black beauty

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I saw Aaron riding a white behind a few trees horse and I quickly turned my horse so that he won't see me "hey" DAMN.

I keep moving pretending that I haven't heard him "hey I know you heard me" Ughhh.

"What do you want" I yelled back not stopping.

He didn't answer, maybe he changed his mind I smiled "I wanted to talk to you" he suddenly said by my side causing me to nearly fall off my horse.

"Woah" he said grabbing me by my elbow helping me gain my balance.

"How did you get here so fast"

"We are riding horses" he said in a obvious tune.

I huffed in response.

"You have gorgeous legs" i looked at my legs due to sitting on the horse the yellow shirt dress I was wearing rode upto my thighs, I wasn't aware of it until now. all thanks to Mr.Googly eyes.

"Don't look, you pervert" I said trying to kick him.

He laughed and I moved forward.

"Ok ok, I won't" he said catching up.

"Leave me alone"

His mouth tipped up slightly "You see that " he said pointing a tree far away "there's a beautiful lake what I'm saying is it's a good place for picnic".

I raised an eyebrow "so you're asking me on a date" course not.

His mouth twitched mischievously "No I'm saying that whoever reaches there last is an rotten egg" his horse sprinted in the direction of the tree just as he ended the sentence.

"That's cheating" I yelled, my horse already racing after him.


Aaron was standing beside his horse a teasing smirk on his face when I reached there "were did you learn to ride like that" he said when I stopped.

I ignored his question as I was going to jump off my horse but before I could strong hands circled my waist and put me on the ground.

I narrowed my eyes.

"what, that's what a gentleman is supposed to do" he said shrugging defencesly.

" will you take your hands off my waist, now" he pulled away as if his hands got burned.

"So umm where did you learn to ride, I have never seen anyone ride like that"

"Doesn't matter, you won"

He turned to me, his electric blue eyes assessing me, causing the hair on my neck to stand "I learned from the best horse racers of our country and by anyone I meant anyone common or female"

"You sure don't ride like a girl" he chuckled sitting crosslegged on grass besides the lake.

"It's beautiful" I said looking at the lake.

"It sure is" he answered.

I sat in front of him "I always wanted her" he said after a minute looking at my horse.


"Yes but they gave me the bullshit about that a king never rides a black horse"

"And you agreed to that" I said not believing him.

"No I didn't, Wolfric was Alexander's, we connect deeply because we both lost the most important person in our life" he sighed, I realized how dearly he loved and missed his brother.

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