This Princess knows how to KickAsses

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I looked at the van as it disappeared from my view.

I closed my eyes.

I opened it again hoping to see Aaron's smiling face but instead they met a man with mysterious green eyes.

The guy from the graveyard!

He walked to me slowly a sly smile on his face.

I wiped my eyes with the sleeves of my shirt and taking out the dagger, I  clutched it tightly in my hand.

But before he could even come close to me someone shooted his legs, he fell on ground.

I looked back to see Kenny and an old man running towards me.

"Where did they take Aaron " Kenny asked me.

"I don't know" I answered tears coming back to my eyes.

"But he knows" Grandpop? I'm seeing him after ten years!

"I found him tied in the shed" Kenny answered my unasked question.

"It's been so much time, dear" Grandpa pulled me into a hug.

He patted my head "now first things first, we need to find my grandson-in-law, time to live my army days again" he said the last part with a smirk and walked to man with mysterious green eyes.

"where did they take Aaron" he asked and stepped on his a leg a little away from where he was shot, the man screamed in pain but didn't answer.

"Call Adrian "I told Kenny turning my face away from the screaming man.

Grandpa moved his foot to where he has been shot making him scream even louder "it will get worse until you open your mouth" he said increasing pressure, the man twisted in pain clutching his leg.

"Stop stop " he gasped, Grandpa lifted his foot an inch.

"They are going to take him to the helipad and then take him somewhere, I d-don't know where"

"They are on their way" Kenny informed us.

"We don't have time, someone's got to stop them. where is Aaron's car" I asked Kenny.

"We parked it in the woods to remain discreet, it will take twenty minutes to reach it"

I clutched my head in my hands as tears blurred my vision, I have never felt so helpless.

"Here" Grandpa gave me a key I looked at him questioningly "take whichever you want" I nodded and ran to the stables. This is idiotic, but I don't really have another choice.

I mounted a brown horse.

"Tell Adrian to track me"

"Go get him Princess" Kenny yelled smiling.

Several cars honked as I made my way through a busy road on a horse back.

many people started clapping and cheering as they recognized me, clearing the way for me.

I'm coming Aaron.

and soon enough I saw the van that took Aaron away from me.

Could I aim and shoot from here, the van was far and I was on a horse back, not to mention that there were many other people who could get hurt if I missed.

I took a deep breath and shooted bullets one after another.

Some hit the body of the van and some hit the glass but fortunately one hit the tyre making the van skid for some time before stopping.

I jumped off the horse and hid behind another car as Olivia's guards began to pour out of the van with guns in their hands.


I looked out and got a glimpse of Willow on a horse.

am I dreaming I thought before the car skidded and came to a halt, the guards got out of the van leaving me and Olivia with one guard.

We heard gunshots from another side and I smiled as Olivia barked at the guard to start the car.

I snatched his gun owing to the fact that they were distracted and ordered them to stay still as I got out of the van and locked it.

I looked around to see that our guards and the police were easily dealing with the masked men.

I shooted a few of their men before my eyes fell on Willow, She was slumped against a car, her eyes met mine and it was as if everything and everyone turned invisible as my world zoomed at her.

She gave me a pained smile and my heart skipped a beat knowing something was wrong.

our guards had now killed or captured all of Olivia's men.

I ran to her and pulled her in my arms kissing every inch of her beautiful face she touched my face with a bloodied hand.

I took her hand in mine and looked down to see a gash in her abdomen.


"Ambulance" I cried picking her limp body in my hands.


I don't know if I will survive this or not, I lifted my face which was snuggled in Aaron's chest and looked at his face, he  looking around desperately was screaming something but somehow I couldn't make out what he was screaming.

I realized that I had to do something before it's too late. What was it.

"Aaron a-aaron " my voice came in a bare whisper.

He looked at me worry ached in every inch of his beautiful features " Don't worry Willow, you will be fine" looking up he screamed again.

I turned his face back to me with my hand, wincing at the burning pain it caused in my abdomen "Aaron I-I love you" again in a bare whisper but the look on his face showed that he heard me.

a broken smile came on his angelic face "you can't do anything normal way can you" he caressed my cheek lightly.

"I love you more princess more than anything. now hang on, okay"

I nodded as his face blurred.

Suddenly I felt someone taking me away from him, I struggled gripping Aaron's shirt in a fist but then I heard his soothing voice "shhh they won't hurt you" he caressed my forehead.

I was put on a hard cold surface and then I felt hands all over my body, I clutched his hand tightly in mine and he squeezed it gently, signalling that he was with me.

"This isn't a goodbye" he whispered in my ear before his hand left mine and darkness engulfed me.



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