one epic eye roll

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"So Willow your lessons are starting tomorrow" the king asked.

I Looked confusingly at so many forks and spoons and boy would you look at the number of plates laden with food, I looked realizing that everyone is looking at me"y-yes sir".

"Oh sweetheart you're family now call us mother and father" the Queen said taking my hand in hers.

I smiled nervously.

"I can teach you all about the history of our family".

"umm actually i know a lot about the Royal history".

"Really" Aaron spoke for the first time, he was sitting beside me but both of us moved our chair as far away as we could.

A look at his arrogant face and all the nervousness in me was replaced with hot boiling anger "yes" I answered looking directly at him.

"So tell me when did the great battle of Lahyana took place"

"June 7th, 1660".

"How did King Edward the 2nd died".

"1793, he was poisoned by his daughter".

Aaron opened his mouth again but closed it when the king said "that's really impressive".

"You know more than Aaron" Adrian snickered causing me to smile and the dementor to roll his eyes.

"When I was twelve I saw prince Alexander on TV he was talking about the importance of knowing our history, I was very by inspired that" I smiled remembering how I nagged Al to bring all history books in his store.

I looked up to see that everyone on the table had a very pained expression, I looked at Adrian and Dadin.

"Adrian you are accompanying us in the royal tour" the king said probably to ease the tension.

"We are going on a tour?" Aaron asked

"Not you, you and willow will be staying so that Willow can complete her training before the marriage ceremony".

Aaron huffed and slumped in his chair, crossing his arms clearly not impressed.


"Your back should be straight" Alice said for what must be the tenth time.

That's it, I stood the straightest I could.

"we need a princess not a stick"

There he was with his stupid smirk "why don't yo-damn"I tripped and almost fell in the most unattractive way possible, closing my eyes preparing for the pain but before my butt hits the floor a pair of hands caught me.

I looked up akwardly into icy blue orbs. Almost immediately a strong smell of peppermint cologne hit my nostrils. I took a deep breath inhaling it but stopped realizing how odd it would look.

After a second I straightened up and ran my hands down my dress "t-thank you" I said not looking up, heat coating my cheeks.

He took a step back creating a little space between us, I start to walk past him and swayed a little, his hand instantly wrapped around my waist  "sit down" he instructed in his sexy...NOT voice.

"I'm fine" I answered still not looking at him, he either didn't heard me or ignored what I said as within a second I was seated on the couch with him hovering over me.

I gulped as I met his gaze, he was looking at me with a accusing gaze, What the hell is his problem.

His jaw clenched and his instance tensed, I looked at him confused as he turned and stormed out, only then I realized that I said that aloud. Bloody Heck!

 Bloody Heck!

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