the blush on your face is little too obvious

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"Where are your parents" mom asked Aaron.

He put his fork down and smiled politely "The King and the Queen along with Dadin are visiting Duke Prescott and Duchess Bertha"

"Ain't they your uncle and Aunt" uncle Mason asked.

"Yes sir, Duchess Bertha is father's youngest sister"

Kenny nudged me "I heard Brielle threw a huge fit about you marrying Aaron" he whispered and I scrunched my eyebrows "how do you know" I asked .

"Brian told me, he's dating her ex Peter Jones . He also told him that it was Brielle who sold the news about your engagement to the newspapers" she was obsesed with Aaron but she's my cousin she won't do any such thing,right?

I looked at him disbelieving "what do you mean by he's dating peter, you two-"

"Yes and it's not a big deal you know, we're still friends" he said looking away from me, but I know it is a big deal because Kenny liked Brian, a lot.

I hugged him "oh Kenny I'm so sorry, I wasn't there with you"

"Don't worry Princess" he said patting my back.

"Excuse me" I heard Aaron say, he was no where to be seen when I turned back. What's his problem.

I sat beside my mother, who seemed to be in a very deep thought "so how's the art studio doing"

"Great" a small smile came on her face "actually we're thinking of hiring some help" I nodded "I was wondering if Laurel would be interested, you know you told she was struggling with  financial problems"

"that would be great mom" I grinned "I will ask to meet you at the studio" she nodded.

"You forgot your phone" Alec said handing my phone, I turned it On, immediately cringing as numerous texts and messages popped up, how am I supposed to answer all these.

"How's school" I asked Alec, turning it back off, I guess lily and Laila would enjoy answering them, as long as they're not too sweet, I won't mind.

"Great, everybody is treating me like a Royal because my sister is a Princess" I smiled at my little brother's innocence.

"I'm not a princess " he looked at me in confusion "I'm the Royal Consort until I get married to the prince" I answered his unasked question.

"Where did Aaron went" mom asked me after some time,we were sitting beside the pool with our feet inside the water, I shrugged.

"You should go find him"



Ugh "okay"


I searched for Aaron everywhere except for his room, I sighed and knocked at the door "Aaron" I called.

"Go away" he yelled from inside. such a Princess.

Wow so mature, I opened the door and walked inside.

to say that he's room was luxuorius would be an understatement "what do you want" Aaron snapped me out of my thoughts.

"You left your lunch "

He chuckled darkly "don't tell me that you noticed anything other than him".


He walked to me, his jaw clenched "I know this relationship is forced and we'll get divorced but you could at least Respect me, by not going all hands on some guy"realization dawned on me once again that idiot tart Kenny was right.

"Don't bother lying" he said when I didn't answer.

"Oh I'm sorry for trying to console my best friend when he told me that his boyfriend broke up with him"I yelled at him and turned to walk out.

"Boyfrien- wait" he grabbed my hand.

"What, got any other accusations"I asked acidly.

He flinched "he's he's gay?"

"Yeah, you got a problem with that"I asked narrowing my eyes, Kenny's sexuality is a sensitive subject for us, after everything he had to go through because of it.

"N-no I'm sorry" he answered sheepishly "I didn't knew he was gay I thought" he stopped when I continued glaring at him.

"Please forgive me, I just get insecure" he added the last part blushing and I can't stop the small smile that made its way to my face.

I pulled his hand "it's okay" he looked at me smiling "let's go"I said.

He grabbed my hand in his and turned me back around, his face was inches away from mine.

I looked at him as he slowly leaned....and kissed my cheek.

I sighed in relief.

"The blush on your face is little too obvious" Kenny whispered in my ear when we went back.

Aaron chuckled clearly hearing what he said as he was sitting beside me, Kenny winked at him giving a thumbs up.

I kicked him turning a deeper shade of red.

I kicked him turning a deeper shade of red

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