Truth & Dare because why not?

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Adrian was standing glaring at us "I have called you two like thousand times" I bit my lip.

Aaron rolled his eyes "keep rolling your eyes and you might find some sort of brain at the back of your head" I chuckled "I can't believe you risked her even after happened "

Aaron growled "what happened?"I asked

"Nothing" Aaron snapped

"I'm installing a tracker in your car" Adrian said cutting any further questions I wanted to ask.

Aaron nodded.

I saw Nicholas in the garden he was slumped on the ground and it looks like he was wiping his eyes, is he crying?

I touched Aaron's shoulder making him look at Nicholas "I'll join you later" saying he jogged to Nicholas.

"I don't think Nicholas would like the fact that we're watching" Adrian said softly I nodded turned after seeing Aaron sit beside him.


"Willow" both Kenny and Valerie yelled when I entered living room.

Alec was sitting on the edge of the sofa away from them, blushing furiously "what happened Alec" I asked him.

"Valerie kissed Alec" Kenny said chuckling, I raised a eyebrow at Valerie who winked at me.

"Stop teasing my little brother" I said punching Kenny, Valerie opened the packets of fast food and Noah arranged them on the table.

"We are planning to watch a movie" Valerie said.

"Pfftt " Kenny said cutting her "we are going to play a game" he said I rolled my eyes at his actions, they are already acting like best friends. Jealousy? NO!

"What game" Aaron asked I looked up to see him with Nicholas, his eyes were a little puffy and red rimmed.

I looked at Kenny when he didn't reply to see him gaping at them "Kenny" I said, no reply "Ken Anthony Russo" I yelled in his ears.

"What" he fell off the sofa.

I laughed as he glared at me "Aaron asked what game you want to play".

"Oh that" he said sitting back on the sofa.

Aaron dragged Nicholas with him, he sat on a arm chair away from us.

"Truth and Dare" Kenny said fiddling with a pizza slice, I have never seen him this shy.

"Yay " Valerie cheered happily causing Kenny to smile as well "now Aaron be a dear and pour us all some vodka" he said.

Aaron chuckled and stood I pulled him back on the sofa "wait no one in this room is getting drunk, besides Valerie and Alec are underage" Valerie and Kenny booed.

"We have coke " Alec said trying to cheer them.

Aaron poured each a glass of coke.

"Cruel Princess won't get successful in her evil intentions we will have fun even with this unworthy drink" Kenny said eyeing his glass.

"Shut up and play " I kicked him.

"Sounds like we'll have fun" Adrian said looking interested.

"He just wants to know everybody's secret"

Adrian rotated the bottle and it landed on...Me ugh.


"Describe your first kiss " Valerie said dreamily.  I swear she's more dreamy-eyed than Lara jean Covey!

Damn of all the questions she had to ask this "I c-can't"


"Cause she hadn't kissed anyone yet" Kenny answered, bored.

"Really" Aaron whispered to me and I nodded totally embarrassed.

"I must say I'm really disappointed in you Aaron" Kenny commented rotating the bottle again.

"Dare" Adrian said Kenny told him to makeout with his hand, he's the king of this game that's why he chose to play it.

Noah put 'despacito' on his phone, everybody laughed as Adrian touched his lips on his palm and then fully made out with it.😖

"Truth" Alec said

"I'll go easy on you" Kenny said rubbing his palms together "describe your first kiss" I looked at Alec how do I not know about it, he gave me a apologetic smile.

"It felt wet" Aaron chuckled "umm but in a good way"

"Dare" said Valerie "go sit on Alec's lap for two rounds" Kenny said without even looking up "and don't forget to thank me later" Valerie walked to my blushing brother and sat on his lap.

The bottle stopped at Aaron this time "truth"

"So tell me Aaron have you ever said wrong name while doing it" Adrian laughed "almost everytime" Aaron answered smirking. Now now, I didn't needed that news, my poor ears.

The bottle landed on Kenny this time and I smiled evily "truth" he said his smile matching mine.

"Are you fantasizing about someone in this room" I asked.



"that's another question darling" he said smirking and I groaned "but he has these baby blue eyes that makes me want to rip the clothes off his body" everybody thought it was Aaron and Kenny was teasing me but I know it was certain someone sitting on the arm chair.

The bottle landed on me again "dare"

Kenny smirked "close your eyes and walk with your hands out. You have to kiss the first person you touch, where you touch them" ughhh, I'll kill him after this game.

I closed my eyes positioned my hands not too up and not too low as I didn't want to kiss someone in face and the lower side was way too dangerous but I still walked cautiously because I also didn't wanted to kiss Valerie's boobs.

After walking for like one minute someone crashed into me, he circled his arms around my waist to prevent me from falling and I put my hands on his neck to regain my balance and judging from the grip it's a guy.

I opened my eyes dreading, to see Aaron face I sighed audibly "Kenny pushed me" he said and I nodded trying to step back but his hands stopped me "where's my kiss" he said softly and Kenny and Adrian wolf whistled.

I stood on my tip toes and kissed his neck because that's where I touched him first, he shuddered.

"Give a lap dance to Nicholas " I dared Kenny.

"Gladly" he stood and walked to Nicholas who was eyeing him suspiciously, he looked at Aaron who gave him a reassuring smile.

Nicholas put his book on a table and Kenny sat on his lap and began moving, that was the ugliest lap dance one would ever see to say the least and I had to tell him to stop even before one minute.

We played a little more before, I yawned and put my head on Aaron's shoulder my eyelids getting heavier, he patted my cheek softly and asked everyone to go to bed. Much to Kenny's disappointment, may I add.

 Much to Kenny's disappointment, may I add

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