Never disturb my sleep

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I put a pillow over my head trying to suppress the loud noises coming from the hallway, I sighed a man can't even sleep peacefully in his own palace.

I padded out of my room.

"And now I will show you how to skate" I heard Willow say in a cheerful voice, the first thing I noticed when I entered the living room was how happy she looked skating around, her soft brown curls tumbled all over face and shoulder and how her eyes twinkled when she laughed.
she hadn't seen me yet, I leaned on the wall watching her.

Her assistants noticed me,i put my finger on my lips telling them to keep quite.

"I'm the best skater in Lahyana" she said skating backwards

She yelped when I put my hands on her waist and pulled her towards me "what are you doing" I asked softly into her neck, brushing her hair back off her shoulder.

"I-I-I was teaching lily how to skate and then it s-started raining"

I nuzzled my nose in her neck "do you know how much I love sleeping late on rainy days"I inhaled deeply, wow she smells good, like cinnamon and orange.

She shook her head and I pulled her closer hugging her from behind, her assistants scurried the kids with them.


"Mhmm" I whispered kissing her neck, she gasped and pushed me away "what the hell"

I smirked "never disturb my sleep" saying this I walked in my room and closed the door.


"What do you want" I said harshly to him, I haven't forgotten what he did this morning.

"I've a surprise for you"

I glared at him"it better not be a joke"

"Oh come on here I'm trying to be nice and you're all angry at me" he pouted "besides I know that you enjoyed it" he whispered in my ear as his mouth tipped up in amusement, making me blush from head to toe.

Adrian cleared his throat " y'all I'm still here".

I smacked Aaron and stepped away from him, giving a infuriating look to giggling lily and laila.

"They would be here any minute now" Adrian said walking to the door.

"Who" I asked Aaron, but my question was answered when I heard my mother's voice call my name, I lifted my eyes to see her standing with my brother and uncle Mason at her side.

I ran and hugged mom and Alec, I missed them so much.

I turned to Aaron, he was looking at us with a lost expression but when our eyes met he smiled,but I just can't get beyond the look of unbridled need in his eyes of course it was gone in a flash, replaced to their signature mischievous and vexatious gaze.

I turned to Aaron, he was looking at us with a lost expression but when our eyes met he smiled,but I just can't get beyond the look of unbridled need in his eyes of course it was gone in a flash, replaced to their signature mischievous and vexatio...

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"How are you" my mother asked me, cupping my face in between her hands.

"I'm fine but I miss you" i answered, my eyes getting moist.

"HeIlo mom" I looked up to see Aaron standing beside me, he tried to look casual but I know he was a bit nervous.

My mother's eyes twinkled as she looked at us "hello Aaron" she gave him a loving smile.

"Hey princess" I looked past mom to see Kenny standing with a stupid teasing grin on his face "Kenny" I yelled "Willow" he yelled back.

He pulled me into a bear hug laughing
"Who's he" I heard Aaron asking someone.

"I'm Willow's bestest best friend" Kenny answered him, ruffling my hair.

Aaron narrowed his eyes but Kenny didn't notice him as he was busy eying Adrian.

I elbowed Kenny "what, he's hot" he mouthed making me laugh.

"Let's go have lunch" Aaron said to everyone, ignoring us.

"Pretty boy is jealous" kenny said to me as we sat on the poolside table. I don't know what possessed Aaron to plan poolside lunch when it rained in the morning, but since the weather was really good nobody minded.

"Adrian?"I asked handing him a plate



"Because he thinks that we are a item"

I scoffed, not believing him "no way"

"Oh my dear Willow you are so naive" he said a bit louder and I noticed Aaron's eyes were drawn to us from other side, as if he was trying to comprehend what we were talking.

It can't be true, he just can't tolerate Kenny's sarcasm and blunt behavior like most of the people but I won't tell Kenny that.

"You still don't believe me, do you"


"You will know, come with I have to tell you something" he pulled me to chairs in corner.

"But I want to sit with Mom"I whined walking behind him.

He mimicked me in a horrible squeaky voice "poor baby Willow can't stay away from mummy for few minutes".

He mimicked me in a horrible squeaky voice "poor baby Willow can't stay away from mummy for few minutes"

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