this shit got shittier

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"sorry I'm late" Willow turned to see Adrian walk out of the lift.

"Hey weirdo willow" he said walking past her "wait" he turned to her "what are you doing here" he's eyebrows shot up "you are the-".

"WHAT" Everybody in the room turned to Aaron.

He walked to Willow "you "

"Son" his father put his hand on his shoulder "you already know Willow?"

Aaron took a deep breath before answering him "yes father we have met, once".

"Willow saved Aaron's life, when he was attacked by some people" Adrian added with a goofy grin.

"Is that true" the Queen came and cupped Willow's face in her perfectly manicured hands "we are eternally grateful, I'm so happy that you're marrying my son".

Willow gave her a forced smile "c-can I sit".

"Oh of course my dear please sit down".


Only the radiant smile on my mother's face while she talked to the Queen and Dadin, stopped me from jumping out of the window.

Aaron was talking to his father in hushed tones, Adrian came and sat beside me "you alright?" He asked handing me a drink.

I shook my head in a no and gulped the drink at once, instantly regretting it.

"What did I drink?" I asked him scrunching my face.

"Tequila" He answered simply.

"Well it tasted like shit, Oh my God is that alcoholic" he nodded.

"Do you realize that the last thing I would want to do is getting drunk".

"Relax nobody gets drunk i After one glass, it'll help you loosen up".

I huffed in response.

"You have never had Alcohol before, did you?" He asked, his voice dripping with amusement.

He poked my cheek when I didn't answer him "you're so innocent".

"Am not will you jus-". I looked up when  shadow of a silhouette fell upon us to see Aaron who was now standing in front of me, his face showed no sign of emotion, whatsoever.

"I want to talk to you" saying this he walked to another room leaving me to akwardly follow him.


"Close the door " he was sitting on a brown armchair.

I closed the door and sat on another armchair in front of him.

He crossed his legs "you're doing this for money, ain't you".

I looked at him disgusted "oh don't you give me that look, you want me to believe that you care for me?"

"I'm doing it for my mother" I answered not looking at him.

He chuckled darkly " you make it sound like it's a sacrifice, when all you and your family are just golddiggers ." I stood up to leave "well guess what you got it, tell me your price".

I took deep breaths trying to control the anger boiling within me and not slap his face into Oblivion.

He looked at me with hatred "I thought you were different from other girls".

My hands were on the door handle as I turned and answered him before walking out "and I thought you were less of an Asshole".


All eyes were on me when I got out of the room, they must have sensed something was wrong "Willow sweety are you okay " the Queen asked.

I looked at my mum's worried face and I knew that I would do anything to put that Beautiful smile back on her face.

I put on my best smile "yes it's just that I'm-I'm not feeling well, can we go back now" I said the last part looking at my mother.

She nodded still a little worried.

She nodded still a little worried

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