i need ice cream

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I knocked Kenny's dorm room door, I need sometime away from my family.

"Hey princess" he said opening the door.

How dare he "you knew" I cried shoving him inside.

I picked a scale from his desk"I swear I didn't knew it was all a prank".

"What" I asked confused.

"What" he answered even more confused.

Putting the scale back I sat on his bed.

Kenny slowly and carefully sat beside me "why so serious" he whispered after few seconds making me  chuckle.

I told him everything that happened today and before except the argument part.

"Woah that's some fairytale level shit, so what are you going to do".

"I don't know,I mean I can't say no" I said sniffing.

He pulled me into a hug and patted my head.

"I think it's good for you" I looked at him "you will be rich and you can pay for your mum's operation bull they wouldn't even take money from you and the bonus is that he's hot" he added last part smirking and earned a punch from me.


"good morning" I mumbled yawning, Alec slid a bowl of cereal towards me.

It's been two days and we are still avoiding the topic as if everything will get ok if we pretend that nothing happened.

"Where's mom" I asked him, he shrugged not looking away from his book.

Alec poked me after a few seconds "someone's at the door".

"Why are you not answering it" i said irritated me

"I'm reading".

I glared at him and opened the door, "smile"I was blinded by the flash of camera.

By the time I was able to open my eyes the man or whatever it was had already ran away.

" Who was that" Alec asked looking out of the door.

"Some stupid ass pervert" .


"Mom we need to talk" my mother nodded.

"I wa-kenny I will call you lat-"

" watch the news" he said.

"But I don't have a TV".

Kenny groaned "watch it on your phone, genius".


"Just do it,will you" he snapped and ended the call.

I was shocked to see myself in aqua blue pajamas and ruffled hair, all over the internet.

Another Cinderella?
Our crown Prince is getting engaged to a ordinary girl!!!

Below were comments of people some were congratulating me but most were mentioning how I don't deserve him.

My mother gasped as I realized that she was also reading the article from behind me "Willow baby-"

"I need ice cream".


After hours of self loathing I heard my mother call me.

This day is so full of surprises, the king of our country is sitting in my living room!!!

Adrian waved at me, discreetly.

"Good evening Willow" king said.

"G-good evening"

"You may be aware of the fact that someone leaked information about the Royal engagement".

I nodded.

"I know that you were going to move to the Palace few days prior to the wedding" nobody told me that, I turned to my mother "but due to the current circumstances we have decided that you will be moving tomorrow".

"Tomorrow?" Said my mother.

The king looked at her "for security reasons besides the palace is going to be Willow's home, the sooner she adapts to it the better" the king declared with a tone of finality and stood.

I sighed "what about my family, what if something happens to them".

"It's already been taken care of, the prince will be here tomorrow afternoon to escort you to the palace".

I nodded, resigned.

I nodded, resigned

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