this car is sexy, as hell!!!

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I stopped my car in front of a bar I'm planning to get drunk, taking out my black cap and sunglasses I locked my car, best thing about these cheap places is that nobody asks why are you wearing sunglasses at night

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I stopped my car in front of a bar I'm planning to get drunk, taking out my black cap and sunglasses I locked my car, best thing about these cheap places is that nobody asks why are you wearing sunglasses at night.

"What the fuck, leave me fucking alone" I looked at a blonde in short clothes and lots of makeup, she was yelling at another girl in red hoodie, much shorter than her, hmm that seems familiar.

The blonde hissed something to the other girl and went inside the bar, the red hoodie girl turned and I got a glimpse of her face, she walked down the alley and I followed her.


I looked at the fancy looking car and started walking in another direction and guess what he started following me.

"Don't you have something to do other than making my life worse" I turned and yelled at him.

He walked to me smirking "nope".

"What about your prin-" he put a hand on my mouth and dragged me inside a alley.

I bit his hand and he winced in pain while I glared at him.

"You can't say that out loud, there's a reason I'm in disguise" he said shaking his hand.

Shouldn't have bitten him that hard, oh well he deserved it "well then you are not doing a good job with a car that screams 'I'm the royal heir' and these " I took off his goggles "aren't doing much".

He snatched them from my hand.

"What's your name" he asked me after few seconds.

"Huh. I'm not telling you my name"


"Because um no reason"

He gave me a weird expression "my name my rules "I said folding my hands in front of me.

He rolled his eyes "okay if you tell me your name, I'l- I'll give you a ride in my car".

I looked at the sexy black car parked in a distance,How can I say no "what makes you think I would sit in your car".

"You mean other than the fact that I can practically see you drooling at the sight of it".

Ughhh " my name is Willow".

"What's your full name".

Oh no he didn't "so now you are copying Augustus Waters".

"August who" he said with confusion "it's a manner to tell your full name while introducing yourself to a royal".

I rolled my eyes "whatever, my Name is Willow Woods".

"you want me to believe that your name is Willow Woods"he scoffed "wow that's so real".

I stomped his feet and started walking, he pulled me back by my hoodie.

" feisty girls turn me on" he said bringing his face closer to mine "but you are an exception".

If looks could kill he would have been so dead.

His phone started ringing, "I've to go" he said walking away from me.

"Wait, what about my ride "

"Later" he called back.



"Took you long enough" I said getting inside my car.

"I was kinda busy" he said.

"With Cecilia" he didn't answered.

I turned to him "I know Ad, you both deserve to be happy and" I sighed "my brother is long gone".

"You don't mind"

"I will mind if you hurt her". He smiled and punched me.

"So what's the plan" I asked him starting my car.

"Actually no plans we are heading for the palace, Dadin wants to see you" I sighed exasperatly, I love my grandmother but right now, I would be anywhere than the palace.

"Actually no plans we are heading for the palace, Dadin wants to see you" I sighed exasperatly, I love my grandmother but right now, I would be anywhere than the palace

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