Prince Alexander's memorial

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"Halloween ball?"

Dadin smiled with a longing look in her eyes "yes dear, it was something we use to have every year, it was a very popular event between young people "

"So why did it stop" I asked intrigued, tenderly biting into a Kitsilano Cookie.

"Eight years ago my eldest grandson was snatched away from us and with him went all our happiness" Dadin answered her lips quivering and eyes glossed.

I rubbed her hands in mine.

"That reminds me" Dadin said taking off her glasses and wiping her eyes "it's Alexander's birthday next week" I nodded, all the Royal family members gather at the Royal burial ground and pay tribute to prince Alexander.

"It's also important because it would be the first time you will make a public appearance after you moved to the Palace"

I nodded again this time slowly, as nervousness tingled in my body.

"Alice will inform you everything that you need to Know about the memorial tribute" saying this Dadin got up, I proposed that I will walk her to her room but she stopped me saying that I should go to Aaron.


Aaron was very quiet on the ride to the Royal cemetry ground.

We were riding in a black car  with Adrian and a driver, Aaron's parents and grandmother were already there.

Adrian was giving us instructions about security from the front seat, I nodded Aaron was looking out of the window all the while.

I was wearing a black  A-line offshoulder dress adorned with delicate white flowers on the waist and borders ,a fascinator hat and Aaron was wearing a black silk shirt and tailored black pants.

I was wearing a black  A-line offshoulder dress adorned with delicate white flowers on the waist and borders ,a fascinator hat and Aaron was wearing a black silk shirt and tailored black pants

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Aaron took my hand in his when the car stopped, his hands were cold almost freezing,I squeezed it softly and gave him a reassuring smile he half smiled

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Aaron took my hand in his when the car stopped, his hands were cold almost freezing,I squeezed it softly and gave him a reassuring smile he half smiled.

Adrian handed me two white lilies from a black velvet box, we waited for him to open the door.

The crowd was surrounded by people and the security guards were having a really hard time keeping them away from us, looking around I smiled nervously as for Aaron his gaze was fixed at the cemetery gate, his eyes mournful, forlorn, sad, despondent.

I stopped when I felt a sharp, darting pain in my left hand. I cradled my hand which was now bleeding profusely in other hand and looked back to see a man in Black hoodie standing  close to me, I couldn't see his face but caught a glimpse of his distinct green eyes.

Aaron sensed my discomfort, he turned and his eyes fell on him and then darted to me, I felt him stiffen and before I could understand what's happening, Aaron grabbed his collar and roughly pushed him away from me the man tumbled and fell on his back, he pulled me behind his body standing protectively in front of me, a look of pure rage and fury on his face, I could pratically hear him growl .

Adrian came to us shouting  something and Then we were circled by the guards pushing and thrusting the crowd from us as Adrian ushered us inside the cemetery ground.

Aaron took my wounded hand in his once we were inside. there was three deep gashes on my wrist blood oozed from it, Aaron touched it and I winced, a dark almost menacing look replaced his concerned gaze.

I thought it was nail scratches, Aaron nodded looking distant when I mentioned it to him.

A woman in white clothes took my hand from his and  made me sit on a stone bench before she began cleaning the cuts.

I was watching Aaron talking something with Adrian, I can't hear them from the place i was sitting but judging from there face they were discussing something very serious and Aaron doesn't looked pleased at all.

I looked up when I felt a hand on my shoulder to see Dadin and Queen, Dadin gave me a reassuring smile while the Queen had a pained expression.

I looked back at Aaron to see the king had joined them, all three of them looked at me and I knew they were talking about me the king patted Aaron's back and said something to him, Aaron nooded and looked at me.

I smiled when he's eyes met mine, he walked back to me a soft smile gracing his face.

He gave me his hand and I stood up taking it "let's go" he said handing me the lilies.


Willow flinched when I touched the cuts, I'm going to kill that bastard.

I walked to Adrian as he entered the cemetery keeping a safe distance so she can't hear us but still enough to see her.

"He escaped " Adrian said pursing his lips.

I glared at him with rage and disbelief.

" the guards tried, he just vanished in the crowd and our priority is to keep you guys safe".

I sighed he was right "How did he enter the security circle"

He shrugged "that's what I'm thinki-"

"Aaron" father came to us "I heard"

"She has same cuts like Alex's " I looked at my father, his face was etched with worry.

Adrian was already ordering to increase the security in his ear peace.

"Maybe it's a coincidence" father said trying to assure me "I don't think it is" I answered clenching my fists.

"Either way, he won't be able to touch her again" Adrian said with conviction.

"Go to her son and don't tell Willow anything about it" father patted my back, I nooded "she's just too innocent" I looked at Willow, she smiled.

"Go to her son and don't tell Willow anything about it" father patted my back, I nooded "she's just too innocent" I looked at Willow, she smiled

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