fired, my ass.

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I was just contemplating on the angle to kick him where the sun doesn't shine but was distracted when I heard three knocks on the back door

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I was just contemplating on the angle to kick him where the sun doesn't shine but was distracted when I heard three knocks on the back door.

"That's my cue to leave"he said, I glared at his back and his delicious bottom, NO! He turned and walked back to me slowly with a smirk.

my eyes followed his every movement as he leaned in so close that our lips were almost touching, Almost!

he kissed the corner of my mouth and whispered 'thanks'.

My eyes were size of saucers as I watched him open the door and disappear in the darkness.

I took a deep breath but it turned into a gasp Midway as I saw the storeroom door open and in walked Mrs. Adams.

I was trying to slip out of the back door as Mrs. Adams face turned to many shades of red and purple.

"What is this" she bellowed.

"It was an accident I-i-i slipped" yeah right, shut up.

She held the transparent cupcake carton with one cupcake missing "And who ate my cupcakes" i had to repress the urge to correct her 'it's a cupcake missing not cupcakes' as if she'll listen keep your mouth shut if you don't want get anymore deep in this shit, for once I had to agree with my subconscious.

"It was hi-" I clapped my mouth shut, the lady in my mind blew on her nails with a look on her face that screamed told you.

"Who" Mrs Adams asked narrowing her eyes.

"Mouse" I said the first thing that came to my mind and let me tell you I'm not very proud of it, very?

"Don't lie to me, you were feeding those rats again, weren't you?" She stomped to me "and one of them nicked my cupcakes"

My blood boiled "Don't call them rats and they are not thieves, it's a shame on us that small children like them don't have anything to eat"  my voice rising with every word "I pay for whatever I give them " Mrs Adam's eyes were wide

"get out" she shrieked .

"Gladly" I grabbed my bag and walked out with my head held high making sure to leave the door open just to annoy the grumpy old sack.

Looks like I will be helping in mom's art studio for a few days, i sighed.

I smiled as two small figures came in front of me there innocent face fell as they realized I don't have anything for them making my heart drop.

"Where's mom " I asked Tyson, he took my hand in his and pulled me to the shabby looking house.

Taylor was standing in front of the kitchen cooking something she turned hearing her children, a small smile came on her face when her eyes fell on me.

"How are you" I asked taking little Lydia from her arms.

"Still no sign of bill" I looked up to see her tearful eyes, her husband has left them last year and haven't returned yet. Taylor reminds me so much of my mother when Freddie Clayton left her and maybe that's the reason this family's well being means so much to me.

The tears in Taylor's eyes had strengthened the weak resolve I had, I opened my bag and handed her the little Saving I was able to make.

She looked at me a bit shocked "Willow n-"

"It's for the children"



she nodded and hugged me, a smile made it's way to my lips as I felt the warm relief flood my heart.


i quietly entered my house last thing i want to do is wake my mum or alec.

"you are late "

i turned around to see Alec, my younger brother sitting on the couch sorrounded by books.

"and why are you covered in flour"

i forced a chuckle "mrs.Adams, declared she wanted to make Willow cake, i barely escaped" i said dramatically putting a hand on my chest.

He grinned.

"had dinner" i asked tossing my bag on a nearby chair

his smile vanished "yes, mum was feeling really exhausted so we had dinner in her room"

Sighing, i sat on the couch. After my dad ran away with a whore for money, we still managed to live a decent life with the money from mum's art gallery, it's a small studio in front of our house, two years ago mum was diagonised with cancer and after a massive breakdown, she became too weak to work we still manage to run it but with meagre income.

those days were the most horrible days of my life.

we had none, no relatives to turn to except uncle masen he's my father's brother, he helped us in every way he could.

i decided that i would do anything to change our situation.

my thoughts were interrupted when Alec spoke, looking at me pleadingly "Enzo wants me to work for him"

"alec, we already had this conversation. i want you to study so you can get scholarship to college "

I always wanted to go to college but I couldn't due to the prevailing circumstances but I would never let alec compromise with his education.

"im really exhausted" i said faking a yawn.

judging the fact that i just lost my job and my mother's degrading health , sleep was the last thing that would come to me tonight.

"you go i need to finish this" he said showing me a copy advance physics.

A sob escaped my mouth as soon as i closed the bathroom door.

stripping my clothes i stood in the shower, the cold water hitting my skin like arrows, washing my tears numbing all my senses.

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