Come find me, my love.

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My favorite chapter.

"Willow"a voice called longingly.

"Aaron?" I tried frantically to find him but it was too dark.

"Aaron where are you" I called but no response then I heard it again this time a faint whisper.

"Why isn't she waking" the pain in his voice brought tears in my eyes.

I'm here Aaron just call me, guide me to you.

I heard his voice again calling my name again and it was like a white light piercing through the darkness, it submerged me completely.

My eyes fluttered under my eyelids as they turned orange.

I felt warm soft lips kiss my knuckles lightly, a faint flutter.

I opened my eyes and closed it immediately because of the light glaring above me.

"Willow" said the voice I was longing to hear, he said my name cautiously as if he was afraid.

I opened my eyes again.

"Willow" he said my name again but this time with sureity. His voice was husky but full of love.

I looked at his face, his eyes were red rimmed and had bags under them giving away the fact that he was crying and was extremely tired but inspite of that how he still managed to look like Greek god was beyond me.

He took my right hand in both of his and kissed it "please just say something I have to make sure you're okay"

I smiled "you look like a twit" my voice came out hoarse.

He chuckled leaned in his chair "now I can relax knowing that atleast your head is working fine" he sighed deeply and somehow I knew that he wasn't lying about the relaxing part.

"And you're smelling too when was the last time you bathed"

"Now that you have mentioned it" he sniffed dramatically in the air and scrunched his nose causing me to laugh "I haven't showered since you were brought here"

"And that was"

His playful expression was replaced by a serious one "six days ago"

I have been unconscious for six days!!!

That reminds me "where's mom" I asked him,panicked.

"Relax, She's okay and is here in the Palace along with Alec"

"Palace?" I looked around and sure we were in one of the Palace's room.

"We don't trust hospitals anymore"

Turnsout I won't be able to walk for like fifteen days!!!

Then how am I going to get married after five days? in no way I would marry on a wheelchair or wearing cain but Aaron told me, well after making fun of my impatience to marry him that our marriage has been postponed to first of December.

You might be wondering what happened to my kidnappers or 'princess nappers' as Kenny calls them.

Olivia along with her father was prisoned for lifetime turns out they were also the one's Prince Alexander's murder, they wanted to kill Aaron as well and then Nicholas so Olivia can seduce and marry Noah and become the Queen, seriously some people 🙄.

Freddie died at grandpop's ranch but they haven't found any clue of Brielle thinking about her still gives me nightmares, uncle Mason was heart broken to say the least.

Honestly I never imagined that my life would be changed so much in just two months.

I smiled as I watched my beautiful family.

all the young people were enjoying ice skating, except me.

Mom, Grandmother and mother were talking about something, father and Adrian were discussing some matter on the other side of ice park.

It took a great deal of pushing on my side and pleading from Aaron to stop Adrian from leaving his job and the Palace altogether, he was actually convinced that he can't protect us.

As for me I was snuggled in my wheel chair enjoying a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows, I smiled as Nicholas sat beside me. not telling that we have became best of friends but we do talk, sometimes.

I looked at him as he watched Kenny longingly with a small smile on his face, Kenny was trying to skate but because he didn't knew how to skate he kept falling and everytime he fell he would pull one of them with him.

"Talk to him"

Nicholas looked back at me, blush covering his face "it's complicated" he said after few seconds looking back at Kenny.

"Every relation is"

"I'll try" I nodded and smiled as I saw Aaron coming to me.

Nicholas gave him his seat, Aaron seated me on his lap and kissed me deeply, his lips were and I took great pleasure in warming them "missed me" he asked, his voice breathless.

"Aaron everyone is watching us" every single eye in the ice park was on us.

A devilish smirk came on his face "might as well give them a show" he said attaching our lips again.

Ughhh this man I would have broken his head if I wasn't so much in love with him.

This isn't goodbye...

This isn't goodbye

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