turns out Brielle wasn't the real Bitch after all

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"you" Brielle cried walking to me "it's all your fault" I looked at her, too numb to respond.

He's gone.

"You made me kill him" she yelled thrashing me, I felt warm sticky liquid dripping down my cheeks but surprisingly I felt nothing no pain Nothing...

"I'll kill you" she said pointing her gun at me, I closed my eyes waiting for the bullet to pierce my body like it did Aaron's.

I heard the loud click of the bullet leaving the gun but it never came to me, confused I opened my eyes to see Aaron standing in front of me with his beautiful smirk, I didn't knew that death was this quick.

Just like falling asleep

I kept staring at him

"Surprise I'm back from death, isn't it exciting"

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"Surprise I'm back from death, isn't it exciting"


"You could atleast smile" he said grumpily cutting the ropes binding my hands, that broke my reverie.

I felt as if my lungs found how to breathe again, This- he is real!

Aaron was here.

My Aaron was here .


"You are not dead" I cried taking his face in my hands and smashing our lips "though this is even better " he murmured between the kiss wrapping his hands around my waist.

"But how" He took my hands in his and rubbed the the rope marks with his fingers as a frown ached his beautiful features.

He kissed me again  "because I'm not stupid to walk in enemy's lair without wearing a bulletproof vest"

I sighed, leaning my face on his chest as his hands rubbed soothing circles on my back.

"So your plan was to come here and pretend to be dead" I asked with a smile after sometime.

"Of course not, it was my sub-plan number 3 " he said trying to sound hurt.

I pushed him after few seconds "I was so scared"

He groaned at the loss of contact "I would have given you some sort of signal if you hadn't started freaking out"

"Oh sorry that I freaked out because I thought you were dead" I stomped my foot immediately regretting it because of the pain that jolted through my body, Aaron's arms were around me in a second "we can fight later let's first get out of here" he said softly caressing my cheek.

I nodded  looking at the bodies of my father and Brielle lying on the floor "are they dead " i asked, not knowing what to feel about it, surely I should something but when I searched my heart I found nothing, no feeling at all.

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