NOT a fairytale✨

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I opened my eyes hearing shuffling and whisperings in my room.

I saw two similar looking girls standing in front of me"Oh my, lily she's awake" one in pink dress squeaked.

"Good morning princess" both of them sang loudly causing me to fall off my bed.

"Oh my, Princess are you alright" the girl in purple dress asked, both of them looked a lot alike in matching dresses and ginger hair tied in bun.

"W-who are you an-and what are doing here".

"We are your assistants" they answered in unison.

"Assistants"I said to myself confused.

"Yes our names are Lily and Laila" one in purple said and the other one nodded.

I rubbed my temples "do you have a headache princess" "shall we give you a massage".

I scrambled away from them "n-no MOM"

My mom entered my room "Willow wha- why are you on the floor".

"Mom what are these" I said motioning to the girls.

"Oh but we already told you" "that we are your assistants" I flashed a fake smile.

"They are sent from the Palace to help you get ready".

"Yes and Miss Camille would be here any minute so we should start".

"Who's Camille".

"Your stylist" lily squeaked smiling .


"Perfect now bring the Royal consort's tiara" my eyes met with my mother's in the mirror she was smiling but also had tears in her eyes.

"Perfect now bring the Royal consort's tiara" my eyes met with my mother's in the mirror she was smiling but also had tears in her eyes

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I looked at myself and very different looking me stared back at me, I was wearing a beautiful offshoulder lacy dress, my hair in a beautiful braided updo, a delicate golden tiara gleaming on top of it

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I looked at myself and very different looking me stared back at me, I was wearing a beautiful offshoulder lacy dress, my hair in a beautiful braided updo, a delicate golden tiara gleaming on top of it.

There was a knock on the door and Alec's face popped in, it looked at me for a few seconds then said "its time, Aaron has arrived".

I walked out with my mother to see Aaron standing in the living room with Adrian he was wearing a black suit with a baby pink shirt matching my dress, the scowl on his face was clear evident how he felt about this arrangement, my throat tightened and my eyes tinged with tears.

I walked out with my mother to see Aaron standing in the living room with Adrian he was wearing a black suit with a baby pink shirt matching my dress, the scowl on his face was clear evident how he felt about this arrangement, my throat tightened ...

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He smiled at my mother and greeted her and took my hand in his as Adrian opened the door of our house.almost instantly I was blinded by numerous camera flashes, Reporters we're yelling questions at us. I looked around to see the driveway was barricaded from both side stopping the people from getting in our way or too close.

I hugged my mother and my brother crying not wanting to let go.
I felt Aaron's hand circle around my wrist and suddenly he pulled me against him as his strong hands circled my waist.

I laid my head on his chest closing my eyes as he stroked my hair, the hardness of his chest was somehow comforting "don't get too comfortable, it's just for show" he whispered after a second.

I nodded, gulping.

I nodded, gulping

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