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"A weapon storeroom in the middle of the town that nobody knows of" Kenny said looking around in awe "that's freaking awesome" I smiled thinking how much he reminds me of Willow.

"We don't have time to waste" I said unlocking the glass cases and taking out the guns I wanted.

"Here" I said handing him two machine pistol "you know how to use it".

"Yeah I and willow were champs at laser tagging" he said aiming the gun at the dummy.

"It's differe- DUDE" I yelled shocked when he shooted the dummy.

"I guess it's not" .

"can I keep them" he said examining the gun closely as we walked to the car.

"Keep them in your pocket or something we are in the middle of a street" I hissed unlocking my car.

"You just ignored another red light"

I swear if he keeps talking like this I'll murder him even before we reach there "aren't you worrying about Willow"

He shrugged "I'm sure she's ok, she's a strong girl, she knocked bloody baron with a punch"

"Isn't that a book character"

"Yes and no, baron used to bully me in highschool and then one day Willow had enough, she knocked the daylights outta him"

A small smile made it's way on my face"We are dealing with people who are much more dangerous than highschool bullies"

"He was a huge highschool bulldoger, I'm telling ya" deep breaths Aaron, you can't afford to kill your only ally.


I woke up gasping when and the wounds on my body began stinging because of the water poured on me.

"Wakey wakey " Brielle said in a sickly sweet voice.

My head began pounding as she grabbed my hair and tilted my head forcing me to look up "someone's here to meet you"

I looked up to see Freddie Clayton with a sly grin on his face "oh look how the tables have turned"he grabbed my face harshly in his hand"Princess Willow" .

"You never cease to amaze at how low you can get"

He slapped me hardly causing me to fall on the floor that's when my eyes met with the beautiful icy blue orbs that I was Missing the most. Am I dreaming or maybe hallucinating.

He held my eyes and I can tell that he was feeling every inch of pain I was suffering, but why was he alone?

The  men put me back on the chair.

"You will never get Aaron"I looked directly in Brielle's eyes "he's mine"

She cried and launched at me just as I readied myself and kicked in her shin with full force, she fell groaning and Freddie sighed shaking his head at the foolishness of his neice and the masked men bent down to help her.

My eyes met Aaron's and I nodded he aimed his gun and shooted the masked men, Freddie looked up and his face filled with anger "you bitch" he hissed as he ran towards me but before he could touch me Aaron grabbed his hand and twisted it at his back while punching his face.

He then turned to me and grinned, Seeing him I realized how much I missed him and his stupid antics. I thought I would never see him again.

now all I want is to wrap my arms around him as if he was thinking the same thing he bent down to my level his eyes glinting with joy.

I cried when three gunshots tore through his shirt, his eyes widened and he fell face front on the ground.

I sobbed yanking on the ropes trying to free my hands and reach him but to no avail, I called his name again and again but he didn't respond.

he was gone...

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