Halloween ball also miss spitty titties likes the slugiest villain in history🙄

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I exited the bathroom wearing a white fluffy bathrobe and had an almost heart attack seeing Aaron lying on my bed.

I exited the bathroom wearing a white fluffy bathrobe and had an almost heart attack seeing Aaron lying on my bed

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"What do you want" I half yelled "and where are Celia and my assistants"

"They left when I came" he answered sitting up,I need to have a talk with them.

"And what do you want" I said trying to pull my super small bathrobe so at least it covers my thighs.

Aaron smirked and walked to me slowly his eyes were dark blue almost black like midnight sky,I gulped.

He grabbed my arms and pulled me to him softly our faces inches apart his eyes were on my lips all the time, unknowingly i bit my lower lip his face softened as he freed my lip with his thumb his fingers grazing my cheek, his gaze flicked to my eyes "I wanted to give you something" he said in a husky voice, tugging a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

he turned me with his hands and shoved my still wet hair off my back, I hear a click and then his hands circled my neck, I looked down to see a beautiful diamond necklace adorning my neck.

he turned me with his hands and shoved my still wet hair off my back, I hear a click and then his hands circled my neck, I looked down to see a beautiful diamond necklace adorning my neck

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I turned back " do you like it" Aaron asked hopefully.

I smile and pull him into a hug "it's very beautiful thank you so much" he laughed hugging me back.

"so umm will you wear it tonight" he asked with a small smile playing on his lips.

"Of course I will" I answered.


I looked at myself in the midnight blue off shoulder gown, my hair in a beautiful braided updo but what I liked most was the necklace Aaron gave me, not because it was diamond but because he brought it for me with so much affection and it's way important than it's cost.

I looked at myself in the midnight blue off shoulder gown, my hair in a beautiful braided updo but what I liked most was the necklace Aaron gave me, not because it was diamond but because he brought it for me with so much affection and it's way im...

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