🌻Promise me🌻

119 18 17

Another update cause I'm insomaniac.


We sat on our knees in front of Prince Alexander's grave "hello Alex" Aaron said smiling fondly even when Tears glistened in his eyes.

"How are you brother" he said after a few seconds his voice faltering, I looked up to see a lone tear roll down his cheek.

I sat there looking at Aaron all the while he talked to his brother "oh, meet Willow" he said swiping the tears with the back of his hand.

I smiled at the grave "we're getting married and she's the most weird girl I have ever met" he chuckled " I know it sounds like something you would say about Cecilia, you would have loved her" Aaron looked up trying to blink away the fresh tears "both of you bookworms would have driven me insane" his lips quivered.

Tears jumped to my eyes, and my throat clogged with emotion, I put my hand on Aaron's trembling ones.


"I was studying in Lazio, when it happened" Aaron said, we were sitting on a stone bench "the blast" he added after a second.

I looked at him and knew how much it pained him, even though I really wanted to know what happened, I can't see him in that much pain "you don't have t-".

"No umm I want to"

I nooded.

" he was in one of his Charity events and then there was this little girl who fell in front of him, the guards tried to get her away from him but he stopped them a-and" he took a deep breath, I took his hand in mine "the moment he bent to her level, there was huge blast t-the girl had bomb strapped all over her body" I wiped my eyes not realizing when I started crying.

"I wanted to come back, the moment I heard about it but they said that it was too dangerous and they can't risk to lose both the h-heirs of throne" he chuckled darkly.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me, as tight as possible.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, slowly. I felt his warm breath on my neck, sending a shiver down my spine.

"I'm afraid willow, I'm really afraid" he whispered after few seconds of silence.

"Shhh don't worry" I answered stroking his hair.

He sat straighter and took both of my hands in his "you have to promise me something".


"J-just promise me"

"Promise me that you won't leave like Alex did" I found myself nodding because of the urgency in his voice.

"Say it"

"I-I promise".


I woke up from the sound of my phone ringing "good morning princess" Kenny singsonged loudly.

"What do you want Kenny" I said groaning.

" Why so grumpy, oh wait Aaron didn't let you sleep all night right" he said amusement dripping from his voice.

I yawned trying to find my slippers from under my bed "What are you talking I was up watching harry Potter till late night"

He tsked "I swear your are only one who would choose Harry Potter over the hotty you're engaged to".

"Shut up"

"Guess who's found cuddling on the first page of newspaper"


"You" he yelled loudly.

"will you shut up yelling at my ear this early in the morning, I'll get a goddamn headache"

"Really 😒 you just have to say this " he said in a bored tone.

"Why are you screaming " Aaron asked padding out of his room, he was already dressed up for the day.

He chuckled seeing me "Kenny I'll talk to you later"

"Is that Aaron, give him the phone I want to hear what happened from him since you are useless as a cup"he started yelling again.

"What did I tell you about yelling on phone also what do you mean by useless as a cup that doesn't even makes sen-" Aaron plucked the phone from my hand.

"Hey Kenny" he said smiling mischievously as I tried to snatch it back from him "one second" he said to Kenny.

"Go change, you look like a zombie" he ruffled my already messy hair "I'll be waiting for you in the dining room"saying this he walked lazily down the hall.

Aaron slid my phone on the table towards me "What did he say" I asked him.

"Something like he's very disappointed that we're still sleeping on different beds" he said with a amused grin, I ignored him because I was busy looking at the newspaper.

"By the way Who's this Brielle, you called her like thousand times" he asked.

"You should not check others phone" I answered snatching my phone off the table.

"She's the blondee from the bar right, the one who had more makeup than face" he chuckled.

"I thought that there were no press reporters" I said showing him our pictures in the newspaper.

It had the pictures of us looking at each other while we were sitting in front of Prince Alexander's grave, us walking together and the last one was us hugging, my cheeks burned at seeing the picture.

Aaron touched my cheek I looked up to see him grinning playfully.

"What" i said when he continued looking at me for a good one minute.

He smiled to himself "nothing"

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