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We are heading to the honeymoon destination in the royal jet and I'm sitting on the edge of the bed fidgeting with my fingers.

"We will be there in four hours" Aaron informed me entering the room, he looked at me and stopped.

After few seconds he came to me and pulled me up his face inches away from mine, he put a hand on my chin making me look up into his eyes "we won't be doing anything you're not comfortable with " he kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes.

He bobbed his nose with mine "you must be tired get some rest" he said turning to walk out but I stopped him "umm my dress"


I turned and our eyes met in the mirror in front of us.

slowly, Aaron unbuttoned my dress and slid my sleeves down, his eyes never leaving mine in the mirror. I closed my eyes when the dress pooled around my ankles leaving me only in white lengerie.

Aaron kissed my shoulder and whispered "I really am the luckiest man" my eyes fluttered open to his meet his icy blue orbs.

"Wear something casual"he said before leaving.


Willow walked sleepily beside Aaron to the car his hand wrapped around her protectively to prevent her from falling and as soon as they got inside the car she fell asleep again with her head on Aaron's shoulder.

"Willow babe wake up" Aaron said softly patting her head when they reached their destination.

"Mhmm" Willow snuggled further in the leather seat "don't wanna" Aaron chuckled and Willow heard the sound of her seatbelt opening.

Aaron picked Willow and started walking with a smirk on his face "please wake up" he said after sometime.

Willow scrunched her face and shook her head in a no "as you wish" he whispered in her ear and something in his tone made her open her eyes that instant but it was too late.

Before she could do anything she was dangling in the air and then with a splash she fell in the pool, gasping for air.

"Remember if anyone tries anything don't hesitate to shoot" Adrian said to a guard on the phone. He didn't accompanied the couple to give them some privacy but it didn't stop him make sure that there isn't any carelessness in their protection.

"Umm sir what should I do if the Princess punches the prince" Adrian laughed.

"Prick" Willow muttered as Aaron  rubbed his cheek.

"You sure can punch, woman"

Willow glared at him.

Aaron smiled mischievously and leaned in "I like your bra"

Willow crossed her arms over her dripping white top trying to hide her bra "give me your shirt" she hissed.

Aaron laughed and took a step back "no" his eyes went all over her body appreciatively and turned darker.

Willow pouted "but I am cold"

He sighed and opened his shirt quickly and handed her, Willow looked at his toned body and gulped "go take a hot shower our bags are already inside " he said ushering her inside.


I looked at the Lacy baby doll silk nightdress i was wearing it was really short with a plunging neckline.

I took a deep breath as I wore a silk robe over it, opened the door and walked out before I could change my mind and run back to the bathroom.

Aaron was staring out of the big glass windows, he turned when he heard the bathroom door open a small smile playing on his lips.

I gasped at how beautiful he looked in the moonlight, I threw my arms behind his neck and kissed him deeply Aaron kissed me back with as much passion and in between the kiss I slipped the robe off my body.

Aaron stopped stunned momentarily  "are you sure" he blinked quite surprised.

I interlaced my fingers with his, bringing back of his hands to my lips, he closed his eyes savouring the touch.


I opened my eyes to feel my back against a strong warm chest and a arm wrapped around me tightly but not too tight, a smile came on my face.

I turned around to watch him sleep as hot as his signature smirk was I loved seeing him in peace.

To my surprise, he was awake.

And was watching me.

I blushed as our eyes met remembering the events of last night.

we looked at each other silently our eyes conversing thousand things that our lips couldn't.

"Morning wifey " he said in his sexy husky early morning voice.

I smiled trailing his cheek with my finger "morning husband" I pecked his lip.

I smiled trailing his cheek with my finger "morning husband" I pecked his lip

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