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I walked aimlessly lily and Laila following me, how much I wish they would leave me alone for some time.

"Princess" a maid in black uniform called me "hello" i said and she smiled "I'm sent by Miss Alice to inform you that Prince Aaron and Mr. Alfonso are waiting for you downstairs at the mirror hall" she courtseid and left.

"Who's Alfonso" I asked lily and Laila.

"He's your dance instructor" lily answered and I groaned.

"Camille will be there too" Laila informed me, oh great.

I took my high heel sandals from her and wore it, even though I'm acoustomed to wearing them now, i still avoid wearing them whenever I can.

I walked to the mirror hall, it's called mirror hall because all the walls and ceiling of the huge room are made of mirrors and boy do I love this room.

Aaron was standing with a bored look on his face, a mischievous smile spread across his face when his eyes fell on me. he seriously deserves a high five on his face with a chair, REPEATEDLY.

he knows how much I hate dancing and that's the reason behind his infuriating smile.

"Ah princess you look very beautiful" a man with olive skin, curly black hair and light brown almost golden eyes said taking my hand and kissing it, ugh. gross I thought, sneakily wiping the back of my hand on my dress.

Aaron chuckled and I glared at him.

Camille ushered me to the powder room and made me wear a heavy lacy gown and tied my hair in a tight bun.

Despite being a Cheesy Ass, Alfonso was a good teacher, I thought as he guided my steps. we danced for about an hour then he called Aaron to dance with me.

Aaron put his hand on my waist and pulled me to him swaying us to the soft music, a teasing almost taunting smile on his face.

"I hope you're not wearing this peace of trash at Halloween ball" I looked down at the ugly pink gown I was wearing "believe me it's way better than this"

"I'll trust you on that" .

"Princess would walk down the stairs and Prince you would wait for her on the landing and then you will take her hand and decend the grand stairs together" Alfonso said excitedly "eyes on each other all the time and don't forget to smile" .

"Won't I fall if I look at the prince all the time I mean those are stairs and I'm wearing a pretty heavy dress" not to mention those high heels, Aaron chuckled. He's chuckling a lot today!

Alfonso looked very confused and at loss of words.

After falling three times on the stairs and spraining my ankle, Aaron declared that I won't be looking at him while descending the stairs, he even told Camille not to force me to wear anything I'm not comfortable in to which both Alfonso and Camille nodded gulping.

and it was decided that I would look at the stairs and Aaron will look at me. Sighs.

"I want to go to my room" I said removing the ice bag off my ankel and trying to stand I groaned in pain just as my feet touched the ground "lily and Laila please help me".

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